Let me get this straight.
The Mormons (and / or their members, cough, cough) funnelled millions of dollars into Proposition 8 which defines marriage as only between ONE man and ONE woman!!
Oh the irony.
I thought Mormons have been notorious for defining marriage as between ONE man and, oh, five or six women???
For goodness sake, they even had to get their own state (Utah) to keep that practice going for a while.
The Mormon religion is truly hypocritical and hateful. A century or so ago, the black race was 'cursed' in their definition, and blacks could not hold positions of authority in their religion. When this becamse socially unacceptable, their leader had a convenient 'vision from God' telling them they should change.
This century, the target of Mormon bigotry is homosexuals.
It is disturbing that California is starting a trend of states using their Constitution to TAKE RIGHTS AWAY. America has always been more progressive, extending rights to minorities and oppressed groups. And make no bones about it, gays have been very oppressed as long as any of us can remember. It's always been hard for them to be open, and they're constantly ridiculed and discriminated against.
And now, in a truly un-American "vote" in California, we have the majority voting to take away the rights of a minority. One thing government should do in America is stand up for the rights of minorities.
I really hope this hateful trend by religions against minorities will come to a stop, and soon.