Changing the subject slightly, the mormons are advertising on MSN
Prop 8 - Petition against the tax-exempt status of the Mormons
by Devilsnok 81 Replies latest jw friends
I think it's just one of those wedge issues your country's republican party has used to keep people voting for them. The Republican parties ideals are so bad and so strongly supportive of the rich, the oil companies, and the neocons, that if they ever became socially liberal, they would barely register a vote outside of the rich.
You really don't have a clue. What's wrong with being rich? We would like to see everyone have a chance to "be rich".Zico has it exactly correct. There's nothing wrong with being rich. It's when government subsidizes and makes policy because of the influence of the "rich" that it becomes a problem. When predatory business practices facilitate becoming "rich".
Historian and writer James Truslow Adams coined the phrase "American Dream" in his 1931 book Epic of America:
"The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order inwhich each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."
>>>The Mormon religion is truly hypocritical and hateful. A century or so ago, the black race was 'cursed' in their definition, and blacks could not hold positions of authority in their religion. When this becamse socially unacceptable, their leader had a convenient 'vision from God' telling them they should change.<<<
Oh no, it was MUCH more recently. -
Deputy Dog
Oh no, it was MUCH more recently.
1974 I believe.
Justitia Themis
The Mormon church was extremely involved in Prop 8, but demonstrating the link will be legally difficult. PACs, who just happen to be comprised of Mormons, bankrolled the advertising campaigns. From what I understand from my daughter who is in law school in CA., the most effective ad was one running shortly before the election.
It showed a blonde haired/blue eyed little girl running up to Mommy and Daddy after school. They ask her what she learned today, and she replies that she learned it is OK for a King to marry anKing, and for a Queen to marry a Queen, implying that Prop 8 would lead to changes in the Kindergarten school curriculum, which is totally untrue. It was akin to the McCain ads that said Obama's stance would lead to birthcontrol being taught to Kindergarteners. But, while Obama aggressively fought this minsinformation, Prop 8 people chose not to respond; it probably cost them the election.
Unfortunately, my daughter's law school just got a huge influx of Mormon's in this years class. Never before have they had any issues on campus regarding gays; this year, from a school computer, hate emails using "faggot" etc. were sent to all suspected gay students. One recipient is not known to be gay, but my daughter was able to link the email back to his mentee, a first year Mormon girl, who has access to his MySpace since she is his mentee. Since my daughter chairs the Mentor/Mentee program, she has launched an investigation and the school has launched an investigation. My daughter has recused herself from it due to an ethical conflict (she used to date the gay guy.)
In reality, this whole thing may backfire. This legislation is being challenged. If they lose in the Supreme Court, it could serve to legally establish at the highest level the un-Constitutionality of a ban on gay marriage.
wha happened?
I grew up in an area that has a high concentration of Mormon's. Believe u me, back in the 70's-80's, doors were getting alot of knocking between all these groups.
What I did learn from my Mormon friends is the absolute duplicity in this religion. (I have to give them props in one department, they had the best weed), The need for multiple wives was trumped by the disregard for blacks. It was 1982 and supposedly after the new light, but no way in this town. One Mormon friend and I along with others were musicians and we played alot of Mormon dances. No black folk there.
I really do hope several things come out of this. First and foremost, taxation of religions.
2nd, A supreme court ruling giving those who choose to marry in a same sex marriage. -
Yeah, whatever. The election is over, lets move on. Why not do something like sue all the people who voted for it, or maybe sue the Christian God for making it so complicated. Etc. Etc. and any other useless thing you can think of. Why do liberals act so much on emotion and color it with logic that makes no sense?
Yeah, whatever. The election is over, lets move on.
So we should just let this insidious erosion of the rights of minorities continue? We should continue to let the tyranny of the majority decide who gets human rights? This isn't over, by far. If unchecked, this trend will continue. No there is no "moving on". Your poster name is 'free to be me'. So why can't we let others be free to be themselves, in the full sense of legal protection?
SoWe should continue to let the tyranny of the majority decide who gets human rights?
LOL it is only 'tyranny' if you are the loser.......... So we should let a few liberals decide for the rest fo us because they will throw a temper tantrum and akin their opinion to a 'right'. If you don't like the voting process, well propose a change to your elected representative.
This isn't over, by far. If unchecked, this trend will continue.
There are 41 States with Statutes Defining Marriage Between One Man and One Woman
There are 27 States with Constitutional Language Defining Marriage
Once certified as passing..... California will be the 28th