real swift advice zions watchman.
I know how terribly difficult this situation is for you. Believe me I do. I have been through this myself when I was married to my first husband. I suffer from bi-polar illness. Nothing one can really do about it but having the right medications and right doctors when in a crisis is extremely importand and helpful. I know when I need to see my doctor he sees me immediately. So long as I take my medications I am okay. But there are times my medications have to readjusted because you can go into an manic stage or the opposite. Falling can be really bad. You need friends who understand. A mate who understands, and is there for you with the ups and downs is wonderful. My second husband Marco was my angel he was always attentive to my physical needs and mental and emotional needs, I miss him greatly and there are times when I just break down and cry because he isn't here with me anymore or I for him. I have a mental health nurse who comes to see me every Tuesday. I see a therapist who manages my medications, and I have a wonderful family doctor who has been my friend for 25 years now. So I have a lot of support.
I am richly blessed. I have been blessed with good friends, I attend a wonderful parish where everyone is so kind and supportive of me, they make sure I am okay and make sure that I am taking care of myself. I spent a lot of time at church so they know I am okay.
Even though with all this kind support and love I still go into the depths of depression and I can't understand why, and yet I know it is an imbalance of chemical hormones in the brain. I haven't really ever addressed this subject on JWD before, but because you dear wife is in a crisis I feel I had to say something to let you know that she will be better once they get her on the right dosages of medications. And gets some support. And yes getting out socially is advantages for sure. Maybe darts at a veterans hall or bingo, or card games at a community center. Libraries have activities also. Or perhaps when she is well again she could volunteer a little time at the hospital with patients maybe reading to the older seniors or work in the gift shop. The opportunities are endless. But first she must get the help she needs.
I have and I am never afraid to ask for help if I feel like I am going to crash. I know my limits and I know the road is a long and tough road but it will end and become a lot easier as time goes by. Trust me I know. Also remember please this, that "with God all things are possible", and when one door closes another one opens.
So my friend don't despair give it time she will indeed come around. You will need to be patient and caring and even if it drives you nuts, remember why you married her, and the vows you took together and the good times you have shared they will come back to you hundred fold.
Your Friend
Terry aka Orangefatcat.