One comment that stands out for me in this thread for it's unbelievable callousness and cult-indoctrination:
We adults, 99% of the time, can refuse blood, and the docs and hospitals will respect, if not agree with our stand. But you get a child involved, and suddenly it becomes a criminal offense.
That statement is incredible! Yes, it is a criminal offense. I wonder if the WT will relate this experience in the magazines if the child lives? Also, I was amazed what another post said, something about how wonderful the HLC brothers are. Not a word of gratitude to the doctors, who are actually trying to save the little one's life.
It is sobering to think that I once felt the same way. I would have defended such an outrageous position. In fact, I almost died for want of blood when I was a teen. I sometomes hesitate to call the witnesses a cult, but there are times when that's the only word that will do.
These are the most barbaric sentiments of condolences to the parents I have ever read. These comments just wanted to make me sick! Here, "praise Jehovah" the child is going to live, meanwhile if the parents had their way, they would be reading sympathy cards. This is just outrageous.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound Who saved a wretch like me.. I once was lost, AND NOW I'M FOUND, I was blind, BUT NOW I SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
Interesting how on the home page, they say "Effective Immediately, new members must be referred by an established member" and I also noticed the group is moderated.
Expat, I didn't even want to read this thread, now I know why These people are sick!
Sarka WOL Runner posted 12-03-2001 01:28 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April One thing for sure! . . . Jehovah will certainly bless the efforts for sticking to his righteous laws. When the courts step in . . . well, it's just totally out of the parent's hands. Truly the greatest judge of all, Jehovah, will see to it that at some point in time in the future ALL horrible sicknesses will be done away with. Until then we just have to hope for the very best.
Your sister and her husband are fine examples of steadfastness!
Your family is in our prayers for your poor little nephew! When you get to see him, give him a great big kiss which I'm sure all of us on WOL are sending his way!
Praise the parents, and if he dies what a bigger blessing they will recieve from jehovah. Oh and BTW kiss the kid for us, he is upmost in our thoughts..blah blah blah I praise the courts! And their fine example of steadfastness, not allowing a child to needlessly die to a warped belief that a parent has! wendy
Sooner or later, if not already, those parents are going to be thankful for the "worldly" nonJW doctors and court system that saved their child. One of these days the transfusion that he needed will be permitted, right after Brooklyn gets new light that God changed his mind again.
How much worse would they have felt if the doctors had allowed them to sacrifice their child, just to have the WTBTS make mockery of it by publishing new light?
The most deadly of all sins is the mutilation of a child's spirit. -Erik H. Erikson