Child sacrifice averted in Toronto by courts

by expatbrit 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    Hi LDH,

    Preston Xxxxxxxxx is located on Floor 8A

    Hospital for Sick Children
    555 University Ave.
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5G 1X8

    Telephone 416-831-1500 (You will have to ask the operator for Preston's room - However, please do not phone - I don't think the parents need a lesson on blood right at the moment and the court and doctors have done what needs to be done).

    I will try and contact the lamestreet press later today if I get a chance. This story may interest them.


  • nelly136

    whoa red lights going off in my head here, please
    take the kids surname off, I dont know if the relative has posted his full name elsewhere or not but you really dont know what weirdos are out there but youre giving them details and phone number,

  • hawkaw

    I'm just quoting from the other web site so I though it was fine but I will do as you say.


  • LDH

    Hawk is right Nelly. Surname was on the WOL website.

    Hate to do it, but I'm going to start a new thread. Thanks a million, Hawk.

    Let's show this kid what REAL love is!


  • Andee

    I had been avoiding this thread. Just too overwhelmed by children "taking it on the chin" lately.

    I know I have mentioned my families experience with my daughter's leukemia. I read the WOL thread, and like Mommy, that post about the parents "sticking to his righteous laws" makes me want to hunt down that pathetic moron and kick her teeth through the top of her head!

    Now, I was under the impression that it was ok for witnesses to get fractions? It's extremely rare for a kid with Leukemia to get whole blood. Usually, it's red blood cells and platlets. So, what is the problem with these imbecile parents? Are they so fucking fanatical, that to be certain that their ticket to paradise will be held for them at the window, they willing sacrifice their kid? Why? Why can't brain-dead ass-wipes likes these people be infertile!??

    With treatment, this child will most likely survive and have a healthy life. I read about his diagnoses and his counts were almost exactly like my daughter's. However, I worry about this boy. Treatment is nearly three years for boys (boys are treated longer than girls). If he has a good or excellent response to the first round of chemo, the outlook is good that he will not need many tranfusions. However, if his immune system is supressed for long periods of time, there will be many transfusions in his future. I hope that other than this blood issue, they parents were loving people. They are still Mommy and Daddy to him. Do they plan on keeping them away from him the whole time? Treatment for Luekemia is one long and bumpy road. So, such a tramatic thing to go through. Then, to have to go through it without Mommy and Daddy. My heart just aches.

    I look at my now 10 year old daughter. I sometimes think about what my life would have been like had I lost her. Well, I HOPE when Preston is a grown man, has children of this own, and his parents probably still dutifully waiting for the Great Trib, he will KNOW that they and their insideous mind-numbing cult nearly cost him his life.

    Kudos to the Canadian courts!


  • Billygoat

    Maybe I just skimmed it, but I only noticed one person actually talk about Preston and hoped he got better. Everybody else was saying they would pray for the parents. D-oh! What about the poor kid who's sick to begin with?


  • patio34

    Hi Expatbrit,

    Thanks for the news item. I feel appalled at the parents' and JWs attitude too.

    One thing, when I was a JW, I knew how the blood issue could certainly qualify as child endangerment and was very sympathetic to the courts' and docs' views.

    Of course, now i know they were right.

    The JW parents probably don't even know about the fraction and gobbledygook legalisms the WTBS spew. Who could?

    Well, along with Wendy, i don't praise Jehovah for this travesty--i praise the courts and doctors for trying to save a life, despite the ignorance of the parents.


  • nelly136

    thankyou hawk, I know it might sound like
    a daft request but I really apreciate you doing that,

  • hawkaw

    No problem - I still have to call the press - way to bozy today.


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