47 foot tall Smurf...sure sign Armageddon is near!

by gaiagirl 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    Just saw on the news that Macy's will have several new balloons in the Thanksgiving day parade, including a Smurf 47 feet tall.

    Can't wait to hear from my JW relatives about this one!

  • shamus100

    Were there any articles about Smurfs? I'm sorry, it's probably been posted before, but I was just wondering if any literature actually mentioned the demonized characters.

  • oompa

    JW kids are probably not allowed to watch the parade!....I was not allowed.........but i love your post...lol.........oompa

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    even tho we were JWs at the time, my folks always got us up early to watch the parade on CBS I think it was.

  • Honesty

    I love Smurfs.

    We used to attend the same kingdom hall together.

    They would get up and walk up and down the aisle yelling, "I don't believe this crap."

    Pretty soon they influenced me so much that I quit believing that crap too.


    47 ft Nephilem Smurf`s!!.....Rouge Angels have been having sex with Tiny Smurf`s!.....The Result,47 ft Smurf`s!.....No doubt Jehovah will use these Giant Smurf`s to cleanse the Earth!!..And..Hand over "World Domination" to the WBT$.....Oh the Irony!!..........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • SacrificialLoon

    Now if they could only make it a seven headed smurf with peace and security painted on the side, oh, and have smurfette holding a glass of smurfberry juice riding the seven headed smurf.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Funny, wife and I were joking about that old JW story of the smurf running outta the hall. Believe it or not she never knew why JW's were so down on smurfs. I explained it to her

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    LOL! What was the deal with the smurf thing? I remember it but I can't remember why they were considered the devil's spawn.

  • LouBelle

    Head to the hill....the end is nigh.

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