Well I finally decided to send my letter to the BOE.
It was a decent letter, I just stated that I no longer cared to be a JW,and that I enjoyed my time
in the org, but it was time to move on.
OK, now the elders want to talk to me, they will not make an announcement until I call them and explain myself.?
My letter was pretty explanatory in itself, it stated that I no longer thought that their religion was the truth.
I'm done with their "mind manipulation" games and I feel that i should just wash my hands of the whole thing.
They know where i stand, and I am done with them.
I recently had a death in my immediate family, and dealing with this BS is something I really don't want to do.
Any comments ?
Am I just leaving the door open for them to keep hounding me or will ignoring them now make my
decision really sink into their thoughts
DA !
by lancelink 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good Job!
Don't give them the time of day!
by you talking with them, it shows them you are still bowing to there authority!
Tell them to piss off or just ignore them altogether!
If your not worried about being disfellowshipped tell them to F#@$ Off !
OK, now the elders want to talk to me, they will not make an announcement until I call them and explain myself.?
You don't owe them anything else. At most just verify that you wrote the letter (so as to remove any doubt that it was a prank or someone with a vendetta against ou trying to get you in trouble).
Just tell them to accept your letter at face value and you have nothing more to say.
no more kool aid
It seems to me the letter is all they need. I agree with you about not wanting to talk with them. I wouldn't want to waste one more evening doing something that pointless. Do you still have family in?
Awakened at Gilead
They are required to contact you to confirm the letter, as they form a DA committee to confirm the DA evidence.
Once that committee makes a decision, they will make the announcement..
Lance (welcome to the bunch of DAd!)
My DA letter included the following paragraph:
I do not wish to receive any phone calls, letters or personal visits to discuss my decision to disassociate myself. Further, in the event of my death, I do not wish to be remembered as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In addition, I am making the request that you not attempt to proselytize my children in any way.
It's been more than six months. I haven't heard a peep from them.
Lancelink says:..."Any comments ? Am I just leaving the door open for them to keep hounding me or will ignoring them now make my
decision really sink into their thoughts"
**** I'd suggest you do meet with them one final time and bring with you some WT FACTS that destroy their, "We are God's Channel" nonsense.
Here is my DA letter with all kinds of facts proving God never chose the WT world for anything.
And here are a few other links with more damaging info against WT World:
I'd say give them a thorough "Witness" because it is not very likely they have heard about these things or will again any time soon. You will be amazed at how totally ignorant thse folks really are when it comes to these things.
And be prepared for the standard JW replies: "The Light gets brighter".... "Where else are you to go".
I told them straight up, God would never get all these things wrong for over a century, taking many lives along the way unnecessarily. And that we should Go where Peter said to go; to Christ Himself.
Good luck!
Vinny -