Bible gave Babylon bad press, British Museum exhibition

by Black Sheep 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Bible gave Babylon a bad press, British Museum exhibition shows

    Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar II was not a den of debauchery as portrated in the bible but a civilised city with magnificent architecture and rich culture, an exhibition at the British Museum will show.

    I wonder how many JWs will be taking their kids to see this exhibition?



  • besty

    not many based on the opening sentence:

    For thousands of years the city and its most famous ruler have had a bad press because of Nebuchadnezzar's decision to lay siege to Jerusalem in 587BC and take a large number of Jews captive, according to curators.
  • AnnOMaly

    It's times like these you wish you lived in London.

  • stillajwexelder

    As far as I am concerned the lid was nailed down a long time ago on the coffin of 607BCE. However, I do love another nail being put in especially by a much loved and respected institution and the British Museum

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You don't have to wait for an exhibition like this to take your JW rellies to the British Museum, but this is a particularly good time to do it.

    If you ever do get a chance to take a JW there, make sure you get a guided tour of the Babylonian section. This may take some forward planning, so do your homework before you go, or as soon as you get there.



  • AnnOMaly
  • MissingLink

    I suppose this is why some "brothers" "volunteer" (for a small fee) to give guided tours of the British Museum. I'm sure the official guides would have a different viewpoint on history. I've been on one of these JW guided tours. I only wish I knew then what I knew now, I could have come up with some good questions for the guide.

  • besty

    ahhh meander travel - I see they have taken some dress-code Nazism from the Mothership:

    DRESS should be the same as when attending meetings or visiting Bethel. You need to bring your Bible. You are NOT ALLOWED TO EAT OR DRINK inside the Galleries. Packed lunches can be taken in designated areas. There are two restaurants and two cafeterias inside the Museum. The British Museum, British Library and Royal Observatory are international public places and bad appearance reflect upon Jehovah's name and his organization.
  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Babylon was the prototype of our fractional banking system, our religious and political systems. It is no wonder that she will not rise again as a world power, except in the guise of Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Harlots. She has misled the majority, but her demise (going on right now) will open many eyes.

    No longer a mystery, her fate looms ominously over not just the USA, but the entire globe.

    BA- Cheers!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When I did my tour, I was sure one of the visitors was a Dubbie from his dress and the questions he asked.

    He did not debate anything the guide said.

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