How dumb is the British Museum everyone knows it was 607 BCE boy will they embarrass themselves..........................
587 there is no "faithful slave class" .........I'm shattered!
by Black Sheep 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How dumb is the British Museum everyone knows it was 607 BCE boy will they embarrass themselves..........................
587 there is no "faithful slave class" .........I'm shattered!
I would love to be on a tour when a Dubbie tried to take them to task on 607.
Something interesting about Babylon is the prophecy that it would never be inhabited again. I have a series of photos showing it inhabited. Saddam built a palace there that was perminantly inhabited by several hundred staff. Also the US army set up camp there with several thousand soldiers.
Babylon had excellent architecture, and is one of the oldest civilazations on earth, among the Egyptians, Greeks and Phinicians. In fact the story of the flood is based upon oldest mesopotamian myths from Babylon the Epic of Gilgamesh. Also Hamurambi was a lawgiver at the land of Babylon and we have many similarities with Moses laws.
The point is that those stupid Babylonians(who were excellent Astronomers and Mathymaticians), did not had a proper dating system. They just coudn't figure out that they destroyed Jerusalim in 607 B.C, instead they are 20 years off the actual date.
The story of the translation of the Epic of Gigamesh is told by the guide if you do the tour.
I would like to hear a JW guide's speil about the tablet.
I have a love of ancient history and on all the occasions I've been to London, I've spent hours in the British Museum. Awesome stuff!