Nothing wrong with trailer parks. Heck, the governor of this state lived in a trailer house while they remodeled the mansion.
mullet moods
by John Doe 38 Replies latest jw friends
business in the front... trailer party in the back...
LOL I love that definition.
Second photo thuglike? No, a little Ted Bundy creepy look in your eyes though. LOL
John Doe
Creep? I can do creep.
Ok Rambo, calm down, no need to pull out the Redneck photos.
John Doe
lol, how bout red neck in a suit?
Better than the assault rifle photo, lol.
John Doe
Doesn't everyone like to blow things up?
Doesn't everyone like to blow things up?
Good thing you are getting that law degree, you are going to need it.
John Doe
Hey, blowing things up is not a crime, and I propose it's a common guy activity. Look at popular guy movies for proof of my point.