mullet moods

by John Doe 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff
    Hey, blowing things up is not a crime, and I propose it's a common guy activity. Look at popular guy movies for proof of my point.

    Blowing things up can be a crime, think Oklahoma City proved that for me. I rest my case.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Blowing things can be a crime too. Think Monica Lewinsky. I rest my case.

  • sweetstuff
    Blowing things can be a crime too. Think Monica Lewinsky. I rest my case.

    Technically that would be sucking. I rest my case. Smartass out...........

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Technically that would be sucking.

    Depends on your skill.

  • sweetstuff
    Depends on your skill

    LMFAO, do you like to light it on fire to test your ladies skills JD? "Think of it as a birthday candle baby, now show me how you can blow"

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Since I don't have birthday candles, I would be unable to say it's a birthday candle.

  • sweetstuff
    Since I don't have birthday candles, I would be unable to say it's a birthday candle.

    About the same size though right?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Depends on the size of the birthday. ;-)

  • Snoozy

    What I think of when I hear the word "Mullet"...

    The Original Mullet!


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