Shouldn't A Religion Having The "Truth" Be Pretty Simple To Follow?

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Again I disagree... The truth can simple, but the deeper things can be complex. The apostle Peter also confirmed this point when he mentioned how he didn't understand all the things that the apostle Paul wrote about.

  • minimus

    Where am I incorrect???

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    2Pet 3:15,16. In this verse the Apostle Peter states that he didn't understand all the things that the Aposlte Paul wrote about. This shows that Truth is not allways simply and that it's not that important that all the deep things are understood, if this was the case then peter would be concerned that he didn't understand all that paul wrote about..

  • minimus

    The apostles weren't talking about "The Way" or "The Truth".

    And to be specific, "Jehovah" is not in NT manuscripts. (not NWT).

    Fornication, uncleanness and loose conduct all become fuzzy enough that elders have to re-read the definitions themselves before they deal with somebody.

    The WT. publications clearly show the time of the end being many different times.

    If the Lone Ranger doesn't see this, I suggest you ask Tonto for help.

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Truth and "THE TRUTH" are 2 different things, this was the main reason why this forum was started in the first place, I was defending Truth of the Bible not "The Truth", but so many here have being so Hurt by the WTS that they turn against the Truth of the Bible and not just "The truth".

  • jaguarbass

    Shouldn't A Religion Having The "Truth" Be Pretty Simple To Follow?

    Depends what kind of God and planet you are on.

    If God is a joker or madman, we would probably have something like we have here on earth.

    A clusterfux.

  • minimus

    Lone Ranger, you have a lot to prove regarding the truth of the Bible.

  • oompa

    mini....i so agree with your premise....but if it really is so....why would the narrow road to life be so narrow??....damm it is stupid.........oompa

  • minimus

    so what if the narrow road's narrow????

  • eyeslice

    Shouldn't A Religion Having The "Truth" Be Pretty Simple To Follow? Of course!

    Religion should be the pursuit of simplicity.

    The problem with a rules based religion like the witnesses is that once you make one rule then a thousand and one other rules are needed.

    Take long hair in men. If you don't have a rule but leave it to individuals, then some will grow their hair longer than others. However, society as a whole hasn't disintegrated into anarchy and chaos just because some men wear their hair long. But the WTB&TS has to have a 'no long hair' rule. Then you need another to define exactly what long hair is; is half an inch over your ears or can it be a little longer?

    Also, remember the short skirts rules? The fact is that most worldly women don't go round dressed like prostitutes on the pull, but the WTB&TS thinks that without rules, that all the sisters will turn up to the meetings dressed that way.

    When I was an elder I used to be at the point of pulling my own hair out on occasions over petty rule making by the elders, no wonder I am bald now!

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