Current JW debating me on Google

by besty 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty

    feel free to post a reply at the bottom...

    Helpful discussions are not found at that website or other antiJW sites. I heard that it is shutting down because it collapsed from its own hatred that it creates. To find accurate information about JWs one needs to go to JWs. Many don't like the Watchtower, but there are other sites like where there is information from JWs that is not negative and gives good spiritual direction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "To find accurate information about JWs one needs to go to JWs."

    Yes, and be sure to visit to find out why you should join them :smile:

    I agree that the official website of an organisation is a helpful part of balanced research, but especially when investigating a high-control religion additional sources of information should be looked at.

    All the more so when the organisation in question bans communication with former members under pain of disfellowshipping themselves.

    Why are JW's, Moonies, Scientologists and Mormons so concerned with ex-members? (All recent American 'religions' ...hmmm...with the sole path to salvation only available through them... - see a common thread?)

    Notionally shunning is to protect the flock from contamination, but in reality the truth can bear scrutiny. High control religious groups with whacked out dangerous doctrines can't risk letting members see behind the curtain.

    Your presence and comments on this website are in fact in breach of JW rules and I applaud you for having that courage Neil - just don't tell your elders :smile: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breach of JW rules? The fact is that there are no rules.

    Those things that you quote above are things that the world even looks down own.

    How many politicians and and others have been brought down because they committed those things such as adultery, drug abuse, drunkenness, dishonesty, fraud, etc.

    Why do people always say "don't tell your elders"? I don't have elders. Congregations do. What people do individually and does not reflect on the congregation is not their business.

    Why Jehovah's Witnesses shun people, it is because those people have bad ideas and are not people we want to be with anyway. Rather than focusing on literature and quotes, it is that simple.
  • leavingwt

    This is so typical of many JW apologists that I've seen online.

    They create an alternate reality -- in their own minds -- in which they can cherry-pick the JW rules they agree with, ignoring the ones they have a problem with.

    As evidenced by the fact that they "associate with Apostates", they are not following the JW rules. They are "unfaithful in what is little" and therefore, in the eyes of the dogma, disapproved.

    Let's hope that others will read the back and forth between you and the apologists, and learn some real truth.



    besty.."Breach of JW Rules.The fact is there are no rules."............He lied to you from the start..The rest of the post goes down hill from there..LOL!!.........What a waste of time,talking to some one like that..LOL!!........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • mustang
    Why are JW's, Moonies, Scientologists and Mormons so concerned with ex-members? (All recent American 'religions' ...hmmm...with the sole path to salvation only available through them... - see a common thread?)

    Hmm... that makes me wonder what's beyond the door of that "Ex Mormons for Jesus" storefront that I pass occasionally.


  • besty

    here's another one:

    One coincidences can be an acceptable proof of evolution, but if everything falls right into place, with the unquestionable proof that there is a designer present, one should conclude that evolution is a theory of the arrogant.

    Educate yourself on creation before making a fool of yourself in the presence of the Creator who gave you your life.

    any takers for a response?

    where is Funky Derek when you need him?

  • sweetstuff

    He must have "God" on his Iphone. Because sounds like "God" is pretty pissed with you Besty, you've been a bad boy.

    Geez, maybe he should educate himself on scientific facts or let me guess, the "Creator" is whispering in his ear right now "that's heresy!'

    If a creator did in fact exist and if he made us in "his image" as the bible denotes, thus giving us the capacity to THINK, to question, as the bible commands, by denying ourselves that opportunity, one could argue we are denying "Him".

    I'd throw my old favorite stand by at him, Judges 1:18,19 and ask him is this the creator he speaks of? The one who can't defeat iron chariots?

  • MissingLink

    There's no getting thru to the mindless creationists on the details of evolution. Their brains just can't absorb it. Instead - agree with him. Agree that we can learn a lot about god's personality thru his creation. Give examples of how all creatures are intricately designed for killing or avoiding being killed. If they say that this only happened "after the flood" when god had a hissy fit and changed all the animals, then ask about the dinosaurs who clearly have been found with munched up other dinosaurs in their bellies. This was clearly before the flood. So, we can learn that god is a cruel killer by looking at the creation that reflects his personality.

  • treadnh2o

    It must be the end of the month.

    It must be an Elder or M.S.

    They must need more service time to keep the title.

  • besty

    and my reply

    Wrong again Anonymous - evolution does not rely on coincidence for proof. Evolution relies on tens of thousands of scientific papers based on millions of hours of research over several centuries. It occupies its rightful place with gravitational theory and atomic theory - are you in denial with those 'theories' as well?

    Creationism relies on a magick man in the sky that required no creator himself. You are arguing from a position of personal incredulity, which speaks more to your limitations than anything else.

    Creationism is the enemy of progress - it is an anachronism left over from a time many millenia ago when rational explanation for what seemed inexplicable was not available.

    Can I invite you to post comments on the suject matter of this Knol - ie the Jehovahs Witness shunning doctrine - if you wish to pursue a creationist discussion please take it elsewhere.

  • middleman

    I'll check it out when I get a chance.



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