Juicing: veggies & fruit.

by LouBelle 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    I decided to live a healthier life and get some proper vitamins into my system other than poping a pill I'd get a juicer and start incorporating juiced veggies & fruit into my lifestyle.

    In the begining drinking veggie juice - even with juiced apples wasn't the most delicious thing but I have to admit that the more I do it the more I enjoy it.

    I juice a whole range of veggies from carrots to beets to celery.

    And it definately has made a difference. Once a month I just juice - no food. I drink veggie & fruit juice 5 times a day. It works inside & out!

    Today's breakfast: Ruby grapefruit, apple, celery & mint.

    "snack": Beet, cucumber & carrot.

    Lunch: carrots, apple, pear and parsely.

    To good health *glug*

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    i would like to do that! I went out yesterday and brought a heap of fruit and veggies...I had fruits for dinner and felt good.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    A few words of caution....

    Using a juicer enables you to quickly imbibe the sugar content of several servings of fruit that would normally be eaten much more slowly.

    Centrifugal juicers incorporate a lot of air into the juice resulting in rapid oxidation.

    If you start getting angina after eating a lot of fruit or juice, then exercising, stop immediately and reevaluate your diet.

    Do not brush your teeth within half an hour of eating acid fruit or juice. You will get toothbrush erosion.



  • JimmyPage

    Because of JW's I have odd memories of juicing veggies and fruit.

    We had a couple in our cong when I was a kid that were special pioneers. They claimed they had cancer. Everyone would come out and help them juice veggies and fruit cuz that was supposedly the cure. This couple's skin literally turned orange from all the healthy crap they were consuming. Truth is, I don't think they ever had cancer. I think they were just plain crazy.

    The dad claimed he was of the anointed. He would give five minute comments at the WT that took you to Greek words and prophetic history. When his kid would watch "Star Wars" he would remind him, "Now, son, you know this isn't real." His poor kid would roll his eyes, "I know, Dad". That kid grew up, married, and had kids. But he's out of the closet now. We all knew he was gay from day one.

    Sorry if I'm rambling. I think eating healthy is great. But talking about juicing veggies sure brought back memories of these nutjobs.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty
    Truth is, I don't think they ever had cancer. I think they were just plain crazy.

    This had me laughing my ass off.

    I think we all had the witness loons who had 'special need's' that the whole congo had to assist in.

  • cameo-d

    I tried that a couple of times. had a new J******n. Only used it about 2 or 3 months. One day I juiced beets and the motor slowed down and stopped. And that's all she wrote.

    Called the factory. It was still under warranty but there's always a catch. Seems the motor is not exactly covered . They wanted me to pay about half what the juicer costs to fix it.

    So, now, when I think of juice, I grab a sunkist orange soda.

    Be careful juicing beets. I didn't know they were so difficult and hard on motors.

  • jaguarbass

    I used to juice in another life. Carrots lots of carrots.

    My father had kidney cancer.

    He got it so bad he couldnt get out of his chair.

    He started making carrot juice.

    He drank so much carrot juice that he turned orange but he cured his kidney cancer and lived 20 more years and then died of prostate cancer.

    He stopped juicing by the time he got the prostate cancer, so philosophically I figgured he figgured he lived long enough and was ready to die.

    Any ways now he's reincarnated and been born again.

  • Finally-Free

    I bought a juicer a few years ago and only used it twice. It just took too much time to clean the damn thing. I bought a dishwasher a couple of months ago, so maybe I'll try juicing again. I'll check with my dietician first, as I have diabetes and, as mentioned earlier, I don't want to absorb too much sugar too quickly.


  • BurnTheShips

    I recommend grapefruit run through that juicer every morning if you want to lose weight. There is nothing like it.


  • Gregor

    There was a cult in Israel that ate nothing but carrots, a lot of orangejews.


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