It's late on this Thursday night and I am sitting in my lounge eating a double cheese burger, naked. Feels good. Love the freedom I have :)
Your reasons to feel good!
by LouBelle 16 Replies latest jw friends
Ditto Lou Belle. Except I'm eating double choc cake.
And fully clothed!
Beware of hot ketchup drips
- I can go lay down on my bed any dam time I want and sleep as long as I want.
- I can play on my computer as long as I want.
- My new wife of five years lets me do about anything I want she don't like it but she lets me go have a smoke sometimes.
- My new wife watch's over me if I have seizure from my brain injury, my first wife wined about it.
- I think I am just starting to come to grips with my daughter dieing back in 1994.
- I got a whole bunch of good (Gem games from "Shock Wave").
- I have a completly paid for 1997 Ford 350 pick up truck, I don't drive it much but when I do I feel like I am riding high and I am the Main Man.
- I have a state of the art computer it does everything, it chews nailes spits bullets and shits ice cream.
- I have a new two stage 24 inch snow blower, it throws it far man.
- I have almost built up my Christmas cheer for this year, and soon I will try to find some friends who want to have a drink with me.
- I can still laugh at myself.
The wheather has cooled down enough to turn off the AC. I'm siting here in my shorts, there is a nice breeze.
I am on day one of a 3 day weekend
It is not particularly cold here, but naked weather is past until about July. Sometimes we get a week or so in winter or spring. But that really hot weather where it is best to turn on a fan and be naked is July-Sept around here.
Double cheeseburgers are good any time. Freedom is best! -
Too many to list! Life's good. I'm going out for a girl's night out tomorrow night, whoohoo, it's been too long! Can't wait. Listening to this makes me feel good, very catchy! Chair dancing right now.
I listed a whole lot of cookbooks on ebay - I'm finally down to one shelf of cookbooks I'm keeping and only one more shelf of cookbooks to post on ebay. I feel a sense of accomplishment! And the weather is good and the cats are being cute.
White Dove
Wish I could join you, tee-hee!
It's cold rainy autumn here in the States.
I feel good when I take my kids out to eat and bond together.
My reason to feel good today - it's friday, the sun is shining outside and I'm alive and full of energy.
White Dove - still "naughty" I see. I'd share my burger with you.
Love is lovelier the second time around. Particularly when he's such a wonderful man. I lnow live within 40 minutes of each of my children, in a beautiful new house. Both of them, and my 80 year old mother will be here for Thanksgiving. I work at a Library, (can't get a better job IMHO) and I've just finished a glass of wine with goat cheese and crackers. I'm wearing the cutest damn flannel night gown (I know!! But it really is!) and it's ok, cuz it's unbuttoned all the way down my cleavage and I'm naked underneath. The leaves are turning gold and red outside, and the rolling golden hills of California are beginning to turn green.
Gosh Lou, thanks. I didn't realize I had it so good. Just need some chocolate.............