Are you saying something good happenned in the last 8 years? Do you mean President Bush did something right?
Take it anyway you want to baby.
by unbaptized 84 Replies latest watchtower bible
Are you saying something good happenned in the last 8 years? Do you mean President Bush did something right?
Take it anyway you want to baby.
I am sorry did I miss the news article about two witnesses wondering around Jerusalem in sackclothes prophesing?
Could someone please post a link......
President Obama? TRIBULATION!
I remember when Bush won the first time, beating Gore with all the problems in Florida, was itself God's actions steering the events of the world, leading to the great tribulation... so far they are wrong.
SC, you said it in a nutshell, this is how most JW's are, and that is how my mom is I can almost hear her saying these words on a daily basis. " Oh dear, Tribulation tribulation Armaggedon. the sky is falling the sky is falling" . Sheesh. So many witness are that way.
It's pretty sad that people have to scream "Tribulation!" everytime there's a crisis.
High gas prices? TRIBULATION!
Stock market slump? TRIBULATION!
Earthquake in California? TRIBULATION!
President Obama? TRIBULATION!
Johnny spilled his milk? TRIBU ... oh, wait ... maybe not.
You say Jonny spilled his milK? TRIBU...oh wait...maybe not. well my sister son whose name is Johnny was always being smaked around for spilling his milk and his mom gave him tribulation about it and she smack him around and there were times I wanted to smack my sister around and show her tribulation.. It wasn't funny either that boy was terrified of his mom. He cringed when ever he had that happen and the more nervous she made him he spilled his milk and I felt terrible for him . I told my sister to leave him alone like she never spilled anything in her life.
High gas prices? TRIBULATION!
No it just contributes to the decline of the economies of the developed nations. Gas prices have fallen because demand for gas has fallen. When demand moves up prices will move up because the oil fields cannot produce more than they are now producing.
Stock market slump? TRIBULATION!
No, it does mean though that many people have seen their life savings shrink to half of what they were.
Earthquake in California? TRIBULATION!
Only for those impacted by the earthquake
President Obama? TRIBULATION!
No. Obama is a man who has inherited the culmination of decades of unwise policies that have brought the USA to brink of financial collapse. I wish the best for Obama but can he perform miracles?
Wow- what passes for Tribulation these days has really slipped:
Overleveraging of securitized debt instruments, loss of confidence by speculative traders in certain banking conglomerates, infusions of capital by several world governments into certain industries via stock buys in which the governement seeks to make a profit....etc, etc, etc.
Whatever happened to the sky turning to blood, people throwing their money in the streets, even a despotic dictator trying to conquer Europe???
We don't even have a good old pestilence killing off 1/3 of the earth's population!!
An earthquake that kills millions??? Nope- not even a tremor- and all of the buildings are earthquake proofed and early warning systems are installed so the death rate won't be near what it would have been in the past!!
Sigh- the good old days....
The economic collapse in 1929 that resulted in the Great Depression ran parallel with a really horrific lengthy drought which coined the phrase "the dirty '30s". On the heels of that came the rise of Hitler where an entire race was nearly wiped off the face of the earth through genocide. The Witnesses had been preaching for decades, it still fit in with "the generation of 1914", you had world war, famine, disease, nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there were food shortages (food rationing)....hell, you even had an Antichrist 'attempting to change times and laws'---Hitler.
If the Great Tribulation were real, it would have happened when the German barbarians attacked and then sacked Rome, causing the fall of the Roman Empire. This led to 1,000 years of theocratic rule by The Church which was marked by some of the most repressive, and repressed, thought in human history. Included in the Dark Ages were numerous famines, the Little Ice Age, The Plague, the Spanish Inquisition (which noboby expected) and thousands of innocent people burned alive. Life expectancy was 40 and infant mortality was through the roof.
Think of the impact of any one of those things in our world today.
well right now every active JW I bump into has this stupid shit eating grin on their face. Convinced that with money in short supply the churches are now going to get taxed. The great Trib is coming! The great Trib is coming! It's really really really really really really really really, really really really really really.................closer
All the signs were there, but Armageddon never showed up. What makes you think it's going to show up this time?
Awww, come on Mary, it's closer than ever before, don't ya know!!
(gag me)
This is the end, open your eyes. Roubini, Celente, Schiff, etal have been dead on for years, by 2012 riots will ensue, and food wars will be taking place. Infinite growth cannot happen within a finite world. Prepare now or it will be too late. You really think that the ancients who talked of the Great precession were pulling rabbits out their ass with regards to 2012, which only happens once every 26K years? You really think its coincidence that EVERYTHING is converging on the singular year, in or around 2012??? Yea right. The VIX hit two highs last month that should have only have happened once every 6800 years, based on the odds of probability.
For those that think this will different your dreaming. This WILL be the GREATEST DEPRESSION known to man...
I could give a rats ass what the religios and Bible say. Raw numbers and probabilities DO NOT LIE... faith is one thing, hard facts are another...