What is the reason that the WTS uses for not celebrating Thanksgiving

by insearchoftruth 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    Is that in any of their books/pamphlets etc, I looked in the reasoning book and Thanksgiving is not discussed.......what about Paul stating not to judge one by the holidays one keeps?

  • blondie

    Many of these questions are answered on the WT website.

    *** sj p. 21 Holidays and Celebrations ***


    Day: "A festival derived from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Formal mother worship, with ceremonies to Cybele, or Rhea, the Great Mother of the Gods, were performed on the Ides of March throughout Asia Minor."—EncyclopædiaBritannica (1959), Volume 15, page 849.

    These are just a sampling of holidays that are commonly observed, and in which schoolchildren often are expected to participate by sharing in certain activities. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses for conscientious reasons do not take any part in these holiday activities—whether it be singing, playing music, acting in plays, marching in parades, drawing pictures, attending parties, eating and drinking, and so forth. Yet, at the same time, we do not object to others celebrating such holidays nor try to hinder them. We appreciate it very much when teachers kindly excuse our children from participation in all activities that in any way commemorate these holidays.



    Other holidays are somewhat different in nature. These are not so universally celebrated, but may be unique to a particular country. For example, there may be national days of thanksgiving. In some places there may also be a certain day set aside to memorialize a nation’s war dead, or a day to remember the birth of a country or certain prominent presidents, rulers or national heroes.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses also respectfully refrain from participating in such national holidays. Though we respect the authorities in whatever country we may reside, for conscientious reasons we do not give them what we view as worshipful honors. We remain neutral toward all such celebrations. This is in keeping with Jesus’ words regarding his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world."—John 17:16.

  • oompa

    just barf blondie......i really did not need to read that again....not this early in the morning......oomps

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    {Me on the platform} Well Brothers if you feel like getting involved in Thanksgiving get on your knees and thank Jehovah..."

  • blondie



    Other holidays are somewhat different in nature. These are not so universally celebrated, but may be unique to a particular country. For example, there may be national days of thanksgiving (Thanksgiving in US and Canada for example). In some places there may also be a certain day set aside to memorialize a nation’s war dead (Memorial Day in May in the US or Veterans Day in November), or a day to remember the birth of a country (July 4th in the US) or certain prominent presidents (In February for the US), rulers or national heroes.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses also respectfully refrain from participating in such national holidays. Though we respect the authorities in whatever country we may reside, for conscientious reasons we do not give them what we view as worshipful honors. We remain neutral toward all such celebrations. This is in keeping with Jesus’ words regarding his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world."—John 17:16.

    But then many jws have a big meal with family and friends on Thanksgiving or the weekend after with many a convoluted explanation; or watch or attend fireworks on July 4th; or accept military pensions, use military hospitals, or use military burial benefits as well as shop at the President's sales.
  • insearchoftruth

    But then many jws have a big meal with family and friends on Thanksgiving or the weekend after with many a convoluted explanation; or watch or attend fireworks on July 4th; or accept military pensions, use military hospitals, or use military burial benefits as well as shop at the President's sales.

    Seem to always be around when a handout to be accepted....I am sure that the JWs accept social security, unemployment, WIC etc. What about accepting time and a half pay for holidays, is that not somewhat hypocritical????

  • mrsjones5

    No jws should be taking a day off from work during a holiday...unless they are going out to service

  • blondie

    I might mention that at Bethel those days are not days off.

  • insearchoftruth

    Were there any days off at Bethel?

  • wobble

    Miserable Bast**ds,why don't they have a day of their own when they do celebrate (if they could learn how)

    I know,someone will say "they celebrate the Memorial" Celebrate? The two words do not belong in the same sentence.The Memorial is the dullest day of their year.

    Lets campaign to all our Dubbie relatives for a Celebrate" the Big A hasn't come yet "day or something.



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