I read a book a few years back entitled ‘White Moguls’, which looked at the British rule in India. Apparently, quite a few upper class Englishmen ended up going ‘native’ in India, and ended up not only with great wealth and power, but also with their own harems. It seems to me that they had great lives!
So given the wealth, the culture and the opportunity, it seems that men quite easily can slip into polygamist ways. I must add that I am not so sure by the way that this is a good deal for the women however..
Could you cope? Would you want to?
If you could, would you have many wives?
by eyeslice 40 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry, I'm not into chicks.
Witness 007
If I was deaf I would consider it.
You could use ear plugs instead!
Witness 007
I believe in equal rights so I ask.........As a woman would you marry a football team?
Witness 007
Sweetstuff answer the damn question!
Well the way things have been lately.....one fewer than I presently have....but I hope things get smoother....
But zero wives isn't a very good harem is it!
As a woman would you marry a football team?
Oh hell no! I would never get any rest.
No, I wouldnt' marry a football team. One man is enough. God, a whole slew of em? Kill me now, I'd never get to use the remote!