Brother Prince at His Finest (NSFW)

by neverendingjourney 13 Replies latest social entertainment

  • neverendingjourney

    You definitely do not want to click on this link if you are at work.

    This is a link to a 1991 performance of Gett Off at the MTV Video Music Awards. Prince performs in ass-less pants and there's a simulated orgy onstage. I actually remember this performance when it happened. It was extremely scandalous for the time.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Greatest performer of all time.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Hands down the greatest overall performer of all time.

  • neverendingjourney

    Yeah. He's fantastic. It's too bad he changed his style after "learnin' da troof."

    Edited to add: I'd still would much rather catch a Michael Jackson show (freakshow and all) than a Prince concert, but Prince is right up there.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I saw prince a coupla yrs ago and he still puts on a great show. Its not as sensual but the energy and talent definitly comes thru.

  • JWdaughter

    As I watched it, I thought it reminded me of a scene in the Matrix. . .he has a lot of sex going on in it, but he seems very removed from it all the same.

    What on earth got him from there to even DISCUSSING the bible with anyone(as shallowly as we know they actually study it).

  • skeeter1

    I was the 1st MTV generation. Where did the bubble gum video and goopy hair go? I missed Prince's 1991 performance. I am glad I did. Tasteless then, and still tasteless now. The target audience for this show is 7th through 12th grade. These are not 30-50 year old people, who, hopefully, realize that real life is not a big orgy. In 2000, I went to a conference. The speaker followed marketing trends, and she was convinced to always watch the tween/MTV generation of the day. She said that they make the major purchasing decisions, and do all the research on the Internet for their family (what TV, computer, car, etc. to purchase). She told us "old" people in the audience to go home and watch MTV. So, I did. I saw an episode of "Real Life", and the girl was in a bedroom with a boy going Prince's 1991 performance; and the NEXT boy was waiting for her in the living room for the second act. We wonder why we have teen sexual disease, teen pregnancy, and a generation of girls who think of sex as just sex. This is demoralizing to the boys and girls who are watching it. I sure hope this backfires, and the teenagers realize that they are being used, bigger than the Matrix. I have a saying about some of the JWs, the most extreme join the most extreme religions. Skeeter (the Prude on this Board).

  • scotsman

    I saw Prince on his '92 Diamond & Pearls tour, god he was good. Before he came on stage they played the video for Sexy MF a few times and so we all knew the chorus by the time he sang it live. Think me and my pals all had to lie about where we were that day....

  • neverendingjourney


    The politcs thread is thataway ---->

    If you feel the need to get on a soapbox, there are plenty over there willing to serve as your audience.

  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    Call to the watchtower Prince a jw?

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