U.S. Auto Industry deserves the grave they dug for themselves
I would agree with that statement the big 3 haven't really been structuring their company profile globally, in regards to other opposing car companies.
Perhaps that is do to the powerful unions that essentially run those companies in a decisive but hidden way. The reality is that the other companies can produce
the same quality of vehicles with better fuel economy, with better quality at times at equal pricing and still make good profits. its no wonder that they have gained
popularity over domestic made automobiles. This of course wasn't the case 40 , 50 years ago and the N American auto industry were in their glory days, no one in the world
could touch them or come close to what they could produce.
They let their quality of their products decline and didn't pay close attention to what the market was asking for, call it being blind sighted or whatever but the other car companies
sensed the market better and overtook the market share that the big 3 had for so many years.
This global recession that is happening right now in my opinion was started by those greedy oil companies that made the price of fuel climb to the extent that it
did, which brought on a shock wave of great economic proportions all over the world
The US government is in real quagmire now, they know if they don't help these companies out they have a good chance of going belly up
or they may ship their manufacturing plants overseas to better compete with the other companies with the incentive of lower labor costs and weak if any Unions.
It may just all come down to a necsarry evil to keep the compaies here and all of the off shoot companies that feed off the main ones.
If this global recesion conutiunes well into 2009 all the car companies will be force to drop back on their production anyways, which is just going to add to
the problem on what should be done goverment wise and the companies themselves.