The Sigh Thread

by Farkel 156 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    I have nothing to add except this: the kind of hot fudge that gets thick and sticky when you pour it on ice cream.

  • Dogpatch

    okay BA, you are sounding rather Zen to me!



  • seven006

    “Except for Dave Malone and that moron evil twin of his, Alan Feuerbacher, that is.”

    That’s about 40 pounds of insult! You use to be a lot better at that Doug, you’re loosing your touch. It’s good to see you getting back into form.

    Alan says “kiss his butt”.


    Dave and Mr. F

  • Nosferatu

    Farkel, your posts got me thinking about the overall truthfulness of the bible. I am now happy to say that I'm no longer a lover of God, nor a lover of God's apparent word, the bible.

    I enjoy the hell out of your posts and will occasionally search them out when I need a good read.

    Oh yeah, and Ice Cream generally doesn't appeal to me. I much prefer milkshakes.

  • Dogpatch

    We are kidnapping Farkel on Dec. 5th, to honor V's one-month anniversary.

    Expect the worst! He will suffer nothing but excruciating pain from now on.

    Don't feel sorry for his dumb ass.

  • Farkel

    Dear Dave,

    :You use to be a lot better at that Doug, you’re loosing your touch.

    My grammar and spelling is still pretty good though, you big dummy.

    Hug the short guy for me, will ya?


  • shamus100

    Bananna Chocolate.

    You're one of the best posters here, Farkel. The other great one was Maximus who unfortunately doesn't post here anymore.

    I do find that your posts drop like a rock sometimes. I usually always read them at the least.

    It's great having someone here with your unique sense of humour and your experiences in the cult.

  • startingover
  • startingover


    I relate your frustration to that of musical group who has created many hits over the years but now doesn't get the attention with their new music they once did

    I always liked your mix of humor and arrogance. Your creations will live on in cyberspace and new disillusioned JW's will continue to find them and free themselves, just like hit music from times past continues to find a new audience among new generations.

  • sweetstuff

    ((((Hugs)))) Farkel, get over it old man.

    Ice cream topping, that would be strawberries marinated in balsamic vinegar and then covered in melted dark chocolate. OH yeah, bring on the sin.

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