Dear Sunspot so good to hear from you and equally delighted that things are going so well for you, It took some time but was worth the wait. I didn't realize you left in 99 too. It must have been the year of the exodus out of the WTS.
I am so happy that your family has united together and peace has been made for the most part. It is something we all want and deserve. So Sunspot you have been richly blessed by our Lord. That is grand. Like you I too have recieved so many rich blessing from our Lord that it seems that for every door that closes a new one opens up with something better. It never ceases to amaze me that as if on cue things happen and I know it is being done by the power of the Holy spirit and by the grace of God and Christ. Nothing canconvince me other wise,
I have a reason to exist and be alive. To get up each and every day anticapting what great things are in store for me. What adventure is around the corner or what is God going to ask of me. Right now I have been made the chief editor and publisher of our parishes Newsletter and I am so happy to do this for my parish family as they are so kind and loving to me. I want to do my best and honor Jesus Christ and God and the parish. So my Christmas newsletter is put out Dec.15th and I am so eager to see how the parish family will like it.
You have your family back. I have a new family in the church. Others also have family's back in their lives while still others struggle with families. I do hope that most have friends to confide and enjoy life with. No one should have to be alone especially at this time of the year.
So Sunspot you my dear friend, and your loving family have yourselves a Very Happy ThanksGiving, A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. And the best of health happiness , love . joy , hope, and peace.
all my love