I notice that it is impossible to get any logic out of the witlesses. All they do is steer things back to their wastes of paper and what they want people to believe. They accept all the ridiculous rules, but are not willing to analyze any of them.
Notably, they condemn wanting property of another person's (even without actually doing anything toward stealing it). For instance, if I want your new computer, that would be wrong. (Even if I planned to save up the money so I could buy one just like it.) Yet, holding slaves is OK (notice that the Washtowel Slaveholdery does that all the time). The Bible actually condones slavery (notice the book of Philemon). Just one more place where the Bible itself gets its priorities backwards.
The witlesses also pretend that we do not live in the Old Testament. But, all anyone has to do is read just one Kool-Aid Washtowel article to find more Old Testament examples than you can recall. Just this past week, the "Escape" washtowel article told us to praise Jehovah because He provided King David with escape. We should trust that Almighty Baghead that He can provide us with escape (notice not "He will", just "He can") because He did provide David with it. (My rebuttal is that He gave King David something we need now just so He can showcase it and use that example instead of providing new blessings to people now). Now, if they are not King David yet they praise Jehovah for providing him escape, then why are they rebutting the inclusion of rules in the Old Testament solely because they mention Jesus doing away with them?
Not to mention, how often do you see study articles with barely a mention of Jesus? More like Old Testament-like rules! Hypocrisy.