1 Corinthians 1:18
For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Galatians 6:14
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
BTS this exactly what I wanted to say.The Jews considered the cross as foolishness, and so do the JW's and the Mormons. We have St.Paul always refering to the Cross as a Symbol of Glory.Gal.2:20 , 5:24
Also we have archeological proof that the first Christians did HONORED the Cross. The following wall curving was found in Palatine Hill in Rome(first century). It is a mocking of a Christian soldier by one of his fellow soldiers. The transtation from Greek is "Alexamenos Fear's God" . As you see we have the Cross, and instead of Jesus a donkey.So the first century Romans have connected Christians with the Cross and Jesus
Also at the city of Heraklia next to Pompiia (70.AD.)there was a house that it was used as a Church, and a Cross was found. For me as Christian Orthodox the Symbol of Cross is a symbol of Glory over death. Christians we do not worship Cross, but we honor it. For me I have seen the Catacombs in Rome and the Churches that Christians build under the ground and the Orthodox Churches that we have them more than 1700 years.They are the same. With the same Holy Icons, and layout. Inside the Church we worship Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit, and Honor the Holy Mother, and then Saints.
Jesus died on a Cross, and with His death He gave us eternal life, as long we accept Him to enter to our heart and mind. I consider it as a great privelage to have a piece of the Cross in a monastry in my country. The monastry was built 1500 years ago and keeps a piece of the Sacret Cross. Yes I did honor the Cross of Jesus, and I asked from my Lord to forgive me because I'm a sinner. So I did got down on my knees in front of Jesus Cross and I have cried and pray to Jesus