Worshiping the cross

by Amyfa 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    worship of the cross is an old sidestep move on the part of the WT. the old Truth book had a weak analogy about how one would not wear a gun around the neck if a love one was killed with a gun.

    They could have stopped with the stake vs cross argument... but of course they had to attack those who use an image as an aid to faith


  • orangefatcat

    I happen to own several crosses and a cruxifix, and to me they symbolize the very supreme sacrifice of our beloved Lord when I wear it , it is a reminder to me of the His life gift for us as our redeemer and saviour and as well a perfect balance to God's plan.

    I honour our Lord Jesus Christ by keeping him close to my heart. Just as I would keep photographs of all my loved ones in my wallet or pocket and ipictures of my husband and grandparents that have passed away I don't worship them I savour the love and respect due them by memorializing them in keeping their photographs beside me. I see no wrong in that at all.

    If someone where to say one of the 10 commandments says not to worship a craven image or bow down to it. As a Chirstian I know of no one who bows down and idolizes the cross, when we bow before our altar we are merely showing respect to our God and saviour for His life that He gave on our behalf. John 3:16

    It is a reverence to show Christ how much we love and honour Him. When we are in a court of law do we not show the same respect and honour to a judge when we bow and address him as my Lord or my Worship. Absoultley not in no way whatsoever.

    So There is no worshipping of the cross in any Anglican Church I know of and I don't worship the cross or cruxific I wear. Only ones who are screwed up in the head are JW's. They have diluted the word of God not the other way around. I can't believe that for one minute I was in that borg for 38 years . Man I should be grounds.

    Orangefatcat will you please knock some sense into me every now and then. or at least claw me okay..And for heaven sake get off the computer.

  • Jankyn

    This is an example of a really annoying habit, one which JWs encourage: the failure to distinguish between an *object* and what the object *represents.* The cross is supposed to function as a *reminder* of the significance of the crucifixion, not an idol. (In general, idols are not imagined to be the gods themselves, but rather *symbols* of the gods.) But, hey, let's not get sidetracked with symbolic thinking when we can make sweeping generalizations about the purported inadequacies of others' belief systems! (And BTW, I hate the way Firefox won't let me format my posts.)

  • sacolton

    Here's the website to the church I used to attend before becoming a JW ...


    Show me where they worship the cross.

  • Amyfa

    Thank you for all your replies. I could not understand why Reniaa would say that we worship the cross. I felt it had to be something she was told and then believed.

    Being me I needed to find out from others if anyone did worship the cross and so far no one does.

    So Reniaa it looks like you are wrong and have been told a lie by the watchtower.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Christians don't worship the cross as much as JWs worship the stake

  • WTWizard

    I don't believe it is worshiping the cross when people display or use it. They are merely using it to remember that Jesus died, unjustly, in an attempt to free mankind from oppression. And most versions of Christianity accept that he died to set man free from sin, and the cross is a symbol that helps them to remember that. As such, one could actually use the cross to worship Jesus.

    The other set of people that display or use the cross could be doing so because they like the aesthetic aspect of it. This goes especially for jewelry in the shape of a cross--whether the person is Christian or not, the person likes the looks of it. There is nothing idolatrous about that.

    Maybe they should look at the Watchtower symbol on all their littera-trash and in front of their Kingdumb Hells and ask if they are not worshiping that or the Washtowel Slaveholdery that it stands for.

  • halcyon

    The cross in front of the church is exactly the same thing to churchgoers as the bible on the banner is to witnesses at a convention. Do witnesses worship the banner?

  • halcyon

    The cross in front of the church is exactly the same thing to churchgoers as the bible on the banner is to witnesses at a convention. Do witnesses worship the banner?

  • justhuman

    1 Corinthians 1:18
    For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

    Galatians 6:14
    May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

    BTS this exactly what I wanted to say.The Jews considered the cross as foolishness, and so do the JW's and the Mormons. We have St.Paul always refering to the Cross as a Symbol of Glory.Gal.2:20 , 5:24

    Also we have archeological proof that the first Christians did HONORED the Cross. The following wall curving was found in Palatine Hill in Rome(first century). It is a mocking of a Christian soldier by one of his fellow soldiers. The transtation from Greek is "Alexamenos Fear's God" . As you see we have the Cross, and instead of Jesus a donkey.So the first century Romans have connected Christians with the Cross and Jesus

    Also at the city of Heraklia next to Pompiia (70.AD.)there was a house that it was used as a Church, and a Cross was found. For me as Christian Orthodox the Symbol of Cross is a symbol of Glory over death. Christians we do not worship Cross, but we honor it. For me I have seen the Catacombs in Rome and the Churches that Christians build under the ground and the Orthodox Churches that we have them more than 1700 years.They are the same. With the same Holy Icons, and layout. Inside the Church we worship Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit, and Honor the Holy Mother, and then Saints.

    Jesus died on a Cross, and with His death He gave us eternal life, as long we accept Him to enter to our heart and mind. I consider it as a great privelage to have a piece of the Cross in a monastry in my country. The monastry was built 1500 years ago and keeps a piece of the Sacret Cross. Yes I did honor the Cross of Jesus, and I asked from my Lord to forgive me because I'm a sinner. So I did got down on my knees in front of Jesus Cross and I have cried and pray to Jesus

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