what do you think it might be?
What is the wt biggest secret?
by badboy 23 Replies latest jw friends
Hitler wanted Universal Sovereignty as well.
The one that hasn't been found out yet.
The amazing thing I see is there really are very few secrets, most all the information is available, often in WTS or other credible documents, if one does a little research:
If I had to choose a few:
- True position on Hitler/Nazis
- United Nations
- Changes to the blood doctrine
- Changes to the generation teaching
- Changes in literature between the original printing and the final binding
- The list of the pedophiles that has been kept
That they're no more inspired of god than my next door neighbor. The moment I realized that, I was cured.
I am with Blondie on this, I think there still are a few rotton skeletons in the closets at the Bethel and one day a can of worms will open that will either destroy them entirely or will cause a massive exodus from their empire.
Surely someone must know a bit of juicy tidbit to share with us and keeping it all to themselves. Oh come out where ever you are. Don't dangle a carrot in front of us.
Give us the whole enchilada, we can handle it truly we can.
Orangefatcat, anyone seen any mice around the board? I am still looking..........
That all their policies and procedures are not worth the paper they're written on. They are ignored if/when they don't suit the interests of the WTS/Branch/elder in question.
Oh and all of the above too!
keep this quiet.... they really dont know anything special about theology at all.
That they are not who they say they are, in any manner, on any level, by any stretch... but are, in fact, the very opposite and the same as those they judge and condemn. No difference at all. Absolutely none.
SA, a slave of Christ
Sorry...i disagree with the previous answers....ask any elder if we have changed the bible in any way with our New World Translation and you will hear "Why no...it is the most accurate translation in the world...even scholars agree with that".......then ask them if they know that we "restored" the name Jehovah in dozens of verses in the Christian Greek Scriptures when these verses are not quoting passages from the Hebrew Scriptures that contain the name Jehovah. That WT does this even though the claim in all their writings and appendix 1-D that we "restored the name Jehovah when quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures where the name appears." Do these elders even know that WT does either/and or/both of these things (adds the name Jehovah) even though the divine name is not found in any ancient manuscript IN THE ENTIRE WORLD?????? (just have them read the Insight book under Jehovah)
I would not trust anything....from any religion....that rewrites the Bible to suit their own fancy...and then hides the fact very cleverly.........that is ear-tickling at its worst.........oompa