Have you ever noticed, or noticed it in yourself, that when you see a product with a scriptural quote, it was avoided, unless it was made by a JW company? I remember my mom coming over and on a bag of potato chips, they quoted a scripture on the back of a bag. She picked it up and said something to the effects of it being terrible. I remember hubby and I (we had already left the jws) being shocked. Telling her it was a scripture whether it was on a bag of chips or not. She just couldn't accept the scripture if it wasn't in a Watchtower publication. Crazy isn't it? I still find it hard to think about buying things with scripture on them. It's like it has a plague. You would never see them, well most of them, walking around with a scripture embroidered on something. Especially since you mostly find it in the King James Version! I was just sitting here tonight thinking how crazy it is. Watchtower really has it's own little trademark on God!
Scripture quotes on items not made by JW's is considered bad
by kitten whiskers 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Try Ezekiel Bread
I remember when I had a discussion with my big brother about the YMCA. I asked why it was bad, and he simply replied, "It's the Young Men's CHRISTIAN Association ... ?" with raised eyebrows.
And while I "got" what he meant, it always struck me as strange that he would say the word "Christian" as if it were a swear word, when isn't that exactly what we were supposed to be? And I turned that over and over in my head ever since. -
I wonder if they are afraid that it is one of the scriptures that the Washtowel is afraid of. For sure, I see nothing wrong with a bag of potato chips with a Bible verse on it (that most people do not even bother to take the time to read anyways).
@ halcyon - I can totally hear and see him saying that!
Here in the UK a famous sugar refiners had on their tins of Golden Syrup (Diabetes in a tin) an illustration of a lion with bees buzzing around,and the quote underneath "Out of the strong comes forth sweetness" from Samsons riddle.
Now how deep does this psychological problem go? I remember at 8 or so years old (fifty years ago!) this was slightly disturbing to me,
Was it just shock that some other people actually read their bible? or had some deeper fear been pumped into my brain by this tender age?
Love in perplexity,
White Dove
It's because we just "knew" that non-JW's were twisting those scriptures and refused to or on purpose were not using it right nor understanding it correctly.
We just "knew" that they couldn't possibly have the same calibre of respect and awe for those scriptures as we did.
Heathens using scriptures in such a worthless manner! The nerve of them!
It seemed like blaspheme to use scriptures on such mundane articles!
Must not take god's name or scriptures in vain, ya know.
At the last DC I ever attended, I was sitting outside the auditorium in the lobby with my father because he was in a wheelchair. There were several other people out there for various reasons. I looked out the window and saw some people walking with placards with the scripture, "Jesus is the way and the truth and the life."
An attendant nearby muttered, Satan is working today.
I looked out the window and saw some people walking with placards with the scripture, "Jesus is the way and the truth and the life."
Hmmm... scripture on an apostate; gotta be sacrilege
I remember when I had a discussion with my big brother about the YMCA. I asked why it was bad, and he simply replied, "It's the Young Men's CHRISTIAN Association ... ?" with raised eyebrows.
And while I "got" what he meant, it always struck me as strange that he would say the word "Christian" as if it were a swear word, when isn't that exactly what we were supposed to be? And I turned that over and over in my head ever since.It's the "No Interfaith doctrine": can't mix it up with them.
Yet "God makes it to rain on the good and the evil alike"; I believe that paraphrases one of the Proverbs. I guess Brooklyn uses the rain scripture when they need something and go to the UN or a religious conference, but the R&F are stuck with the "No Interfaith doctrine" and can't paint a church to make a living.
Yeah, the only time a scripture on a non witness item is viewed somewhat favorable is when you're in service and the householders door or living room wall has a scripture on it. Then it's acceptable to use it as a conversation starter. Then later on when they take the bait, only then does it become bad. seek2find