You can't make this stuff up.
Palin gives interview with turkey slaughter as her backdrop
by LDH 35 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you for giving this its own thread!
Pure Gold. If SNL doesn't use this as material for their opening skit on Saturday, they're missing the boat. (Tina Fey, one more time, please.)
Maybe an exhagerated slaughterhouse scene with spurting fluids?? Squeeling meese, howling wolves....?
She's as dumb as the day is long. Thank god and all things holy she isn't in office.
"This is so much FUN!" LOL
Look at the dude chewing gum while he watches her, while holding down the turkey struggling to take its last breath.
LOL. What a retard.
Somehow, I can't help but feel that this is a portent of her political future - a turkey getting its neck wrung.
She is in office; it's contained to Alaska at this point.
At the end of the video it's said she was asked if that would be a problem for the background and she said no. Before that, I was feeling bad that no one was watching out for her.
Look at the dude chewing gum while he watches her, while holding down the turkey struggling to take its last breath.
My favorite part!
Earlier, she is reading (with some difficulty) a pardon for one of the turkeys. I almost felt sorry for her. From bright lights big city, to .............this.
Big Tex
How many times has this happened to you? You have a bass. You're trying to find an exciting, new way to prepare it for dinner. You could scale the bass, remove the head, tail and bones and serve the fish as you would any other fish dinner. But why bother now that you can use Ronco's amazing new kitchen tool -- the Super Bass-o-Matic '76! Yes fish eater the days of troublesome scaling, gutting and cutting are over!