Seems like it was done on purpose! Why would anyone want that as a backdrop?
Palin gives interview with turkey slaughter as her backdrop
by LDH 35 Replies latest jw friends
Anyone know what exactly that machine is, and why it's taking so long to do whatever it's doing? Looks like the operator is having some trouble with it.
It's not a machine. It's a metal cone, the turkey goes in head first, the throat gets cut or the head comes off and it bleeds out. Then off to the next part of the processing.
Ironic that SP was there to pardon a turkey and yet stands in front of the meeting place for all the rest of the turkeys, those that end up on the Thanksgiving platter!
They should have showed the gristle that remains, as that is the part of the turkey that is most similar to Puke Palin. I'm looking forward to Palin's disappearance via the 30 seconds of fame toilet. What a disgrace that this trash got so close to the vice presidency!
It seems fitting that she wouldn't have any problems with that backdrop. Afterall she claims to be a hunter. What a lady we would have had in the white house. She'd probably be out shooting rabbits in the back yard of the white house.
I thank the universe that she didn't get elected VP.
One of my favorite "Bloom County" strips: