USA Today everyone has a gun, why? protect themselves...from who? Other folks with guns!.....Yes it's in your laws...but they were written when the British ruled you. One school gun killing every week does not happen anywhere else in the world....maybe you need MORE guns to protect your in the lunchbox.....does anyone else see this.
WHY don't Americans realize GUNS are destroying their country?
by Witness 007 334 Replies latest jw friends
I have lots of guns. I enjoy gunsmithing and working up my own loads. It is a hobby for me. Guns have certainly not destroyed me. Yes criminals kill people. They kill people with guns, knives, machette, poison, large falling objects, cars, (shall I go on?) Law abiding people do not kill people whether they pack or not. Well, they do kill people. They kill people who are trying to kill them or another innocent.
Why have a gun? To protect yourself. From whom? Criminals, government etc. I dont need or want the cops to protect me. Im a man. I'll protect myself just fine thank you.
One school gun killing every week does not happen anywhere else in the world....
Are you drunk, or high?
Yes if more teachers had guns they could blow the little bastard's brains out before he killed an innocent.
Guns are NOT destroying my country....lack of parenting, ethics and morals are more the problem than guns. Guns are a tool. Protection, hunting, sport.
Gun laws keep honest people honest. The criminals still get them.
There are no easy answers to school shootings. I attended a seminar on that a month ago. One of the big similarity in a lot of the school shootings is that the suspects were heavily involved in violent video games. I'm NOT saying that this is THE reason or that if you play a violent video game that you'll go shoot a bunch of people. But the violent games combined with inattentive parents, isolation, and other things such as mental illness all contributed to these awful shootings.
Millions of Americans including me are responsible gun owners. And if I'm ever in a situation like that I will NOT be a sheep and let the bad guy get me. I will fight for all I'm worth to defend myself and others.
Big Tex
USA Today everyone has a gun
Cognitive distortion. Not every American owns a gun. I don't, nor do most of my friends. The 2 or 3 that do use them for hunting. In fact I've never held a gun, much less shot one. It's not something I'm interested in, but if someone else does, i.e., hobby, collecting, etc., I say live and let live.
Yes it's in your laws...but they were written when the British ruled you
The Constitution was adopted in 1789, six years after Great Britian was defeated.
To change the Constitution require a 2/3 majority amongst the 50 states. It is extremely difficult to amend the Constitution.
One school gun killing every week does not happen anywhere else in the world
This country does not have a school shooting every week, nor is every neighborhood subjected to drive by shootings. You're watching too much TV. America is not that lawless or out of control.
40,000 of us die each year from car wrecks. Should they take away our cars? There are risks involved with living in a free society. We love our freedom, even if it comes with risks. The news headlines don't tell you about the thousands of innocent lives that are SAVED by lawful guns. If there were zero guns, we'd still find creative ways to kill one another. I like having a cheap, convenient means of protecting myself and my family. Since I'm not opposed to lethal force, in life or death situations, then I want an accurate, convenient and practical means of delivering it.
I think we all have invisible signs on our homes. These signs come in two flavors:
- (1) Please don't hurt us, we are unarmed and defenseless.
- (2) Please don't make me hurt you. I am armed and I will defend myself.
Which sign do you prefer?
IP! Exactly! If teachers had guns(and the ballocks to use them) then they could take out these pieces of sh** BEFORE they kill kids!!!! is an awesome site. Lt Colonel Dave Grossman is who's seminar I attended. It's called Bulletproof Mind. There are sheep and sheepdogs in this world. I will NOT be a sheep who stampede and hide!!
John Doe
A sign of lunacy is attributing personality and purpose to inanimate objects.
Here's one example of what can happen when only the bad guys have guns...
We also have another serious issue, here in the USA.
Forks are making many of us fat!