Leavingwt. I am all for the anti fork bill that is before congress at the moment. It would require registering all forks and spoons. Obese people or people with a family history of heart trouble would not be able to register their forks. They will be issued chop sticks. Of course it is a double edged sword. The utensil black market will surely get forks into the hands of those who want them
WHY don't Americans realize GUNS are destroying their country?
by Witness 007 334 Replies latest jw friends
I am planning to discharge a weapon later today. Walk right out back into the 180 acres behind the house and see how many times I can hit a 3 inch dot from 200 yards ... it's legal for me to do so. Problem is I own several (legal) weapons that can handle the chore... decisions decisions
I dont think anyone will shoot back... matter of fact I have not been shot back at for years.
for every US shooting that makes the papers or news...especially in your neck of the wood several people stopped a crime of saved themselfs from harm with a legal firearm that day.
Tidwater News 8/13/08 ..Armed man catches prowler with stolen gun and long criminal record as the criminal ransacks his home.
Did you note the operative words... "criminal" and "stolen"?
Sacremento Bee 9/10/08 Shotgun armed home man defends children and pregnant wife from a multi person home invasion team. The invaders were armed... one of them ended up dead and the others fed the scene
Troup County News, La Grange GA 8/15/08 Barking dog awakens Baptist minister who awakens to find a man with a brick beating on the house. Of course the narcotics-charged crazed person feels the need to enter the house...so our Minister freind convinces him to lay on the floor for police by holding him at bay with a large bore revolver. The police ended up tazing the suspect to take him into custody.
The Morning Call Allentown PA 8/28/08 Man held up loading car in grocery store lot. Robbers gets antzy..fires a shot the misses by sprays victim with broken glass... victim (legal ccw holder) draws and returns fire wounding crook. Victim safely retreats into store and police catch the wounded crook.
Bradenton Herald Bradenton FL 9/14/08 Legal CCW holder is robbed by two maked men with rifles. Victim sees a hesitation and seizes the inititive..draws his .45 auto and fires 8 shots. He wounds one suspect and both suspect flee.
Presque Isle MI , The County Advance 8/28/08 16 year old masked kid breaks and enters home... Citizen wakes up to find kid stealing wallet...so he produced a gun ...forces kid to sit on the toilet until police arrive.
I tender the notion that guns are not destroying the country. I tender the notion that a lack of values and acceptance of poor parenting and the acceptace of poor moral performance is destroying our country...probably yours too.
Canada the UK and Austraila have basically turned they countries in camps of sheep. The wolves still prowl and your sheepdogs are is short supply. I wont even comment on the wave of sword and knife crime in the UK the last few years... it sounds sarcastic when I talk about it.
The purpose of gun ownership in America is not for self-defense. It is so that the citizens will have the means to overthrow the government if it becomes too corrupt. The founders knew that voters don't always make the best decisions, and that in the event where democracy collapsed, the people would have the weapons to rise up and rebel. Thomas Jefferson in fact thought that we should have a violent revolution every few decades, because he recognized how easily power corrupts a revolution. Thankfully the democratic process allows us the opportunity to overthrow our government by peaceful means once every 4 years. If we lose that freedom, then it is time to pick up our guns and take it back.
Witness 007
You all just proved my thread true....."sheep and sheepdogs".....why don't teachers have guns? WTF! Go to Canada and see how countries without so many guns live.....Australia just had a gun and weapon amnesty to hand in your illegal weapons no questions asked...it works well. The wild west is over! The answer to your troubles is NOT MORE guns but less....our streets are now quiet,,,so are many other nations..look at statistics.....why do you people need Bazooka's.....or the right to have Rambo's gun when soon your Cops will need Tanks and F16 air support?
John Doe
Last time I checked, neither Canada nor Austraila are superpowers.
You all just proved my thread true....
Only in your head witness. Both of your posts are rank with hyperbole or ignorance, dont know which it is. Bazookas? WTF are you talking about man?
My streets are quiet too. My home is quiet. I dont know where you get your info from about the US of A. It is a very large country with many diverse people. Why dont you visit and see that its not the wild and wooly west?
Witness 007
Your "Superpowers" seem to fail you when it comes to solving this problem..."Bowling for Columbine" great documentary! Open a bank account get a Gun......
John Doe
Not a problem. Most of the people I know have guns. I've never known anyone injured by one. I've never known anyone shot. I live in a metropolitan area with 150,000 people. In the last 6 years, I've lived in two other major populated areas of the state. I don't even bother to lock the doors on my truck because crime is such a minuscale possiblity and is no problem. Cops don't need bazookas, this is not the wild west, we have guns, and this is a free and just society. Perhaps your mentality can't accomodate these notions?
Witness 007
Did you know in Britian and Japan and other countries Police don't carry guns as a rule......but your Cops on average are more likely to die...you folks are more likely to be shot or Murdered by guns...seems wierd, why is that do you think?
John Doe
You ever hear of the fallacies known as "post hoc" and "false analogy?" I suggest you study them.