OK, D.L. Hughley just did a joke about her appearing in Penthouse. I haven't looked at Penthouse in twenty years or so, but that might get my attention. If they wanted to go bi-partisan (so to speak) they could add Elizabeth Kucinich.
High MILFNESS factor or other for Sarah Palin
by stillajwexelder 24 Replies latest social current
Hopefully she'll try to run for president in 2012. Tina Fey has too much talent for it to go to waste.
I would like to see her naked in her new movie. I am sure alot of people will buy their movie tickets if that is the case!
her high degree of MILFNESS
I thought she would be rather bossy in bed. If she has milfness than so does Hilary Clinton.
Come one boys, you're reeeeeeeeeeally showing your desperation. There must be a gazillion women out there with more MILFness than she. Seriously, get some standards, and you might get lucky.
few could argue that she is not a beautiful woman.
There are different types of beauty. Sarah is a handsome woman. Handsome like Rosalind Russel or Joan Crawford. Handsome like Dixie Carter or Greer Garson. Beautiful or pretty? No. Handsome? Yes. Handsome can be just as attractive as beautiful, by the way. Here's proof:
Rosalind Russel
Dixie Carter
Greer Garson
Joan Crawford
Those olden day pics made a person look kind of surreal. Would love pics like that to be taken of me.
She has a lovely family - mind you so does Obama = his wife and daughters are lovely
I feel bad for Sarah that she was placed in a spot that she had no hope of keeping. She's amazingly talented and full of vitality and energy. She's got a photographic memory. But a president? I don't think she'd be better than GW Bush. But yes, she's definitely superwoman.
Greer Garson was absolutely beautiful. AND she had dignity. Pleeeeeeeeease do not compare that shrill moron to her.