Beks, I am showing Greer as an example of handsome beauty. These fellas are calling Sarah beautiful. I am saying she is handsome and showing them examples of handsome women. I find Sarah Palin's campaign decorum offensive. But I can acknowledge some good things about her. I don't think she's all bad. I definitely don't think she is presidential material though. I am hoping she will get a clue about her behavior and tone it down a bit.
High MILFNESS factor or other for Sarah Palin
by stillajwexelder 24 Replies latest social current
Here is old Sarah in her natural habitat, without the thousands of dollars makeup and hairdo. And with that gawd awful screech. Come on boys, get a grip here, is this really want you want to DO????
Beks, do you have a pic?
You really lost me with the handsome woman description. Men are quite simple, you're either hot, or your not. Sarah Palin is hot. I typically don't chase after the older woman, however palin is a Mother I'd Like to F.
Maybe this would fit the description of a handsome woman.
Maybe this would fit the description of a handsome woman.
That's why I posted the examples of handsome women. Hot has nothing to do with beauty.