Do Jehovah's Witnesses take responsibility for anything?

by BonaFide 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    yea,,, "spreading the word in all the inhabited lands on earth".... everything else is "your" fault.


  • leavingwt

    If they come into money, Jehovah blessed them. If they cannot pay their bills, Satan is attacking them.

    There is never a sitation in their lives that cannot be explained by adding any number of invisible persons to the equation.

  • Amha·’aret

    If the numbers of pubs/baptised/studies etc goes up, its Jehovah's blessing - if it goes down its Satan's persecution.

    If you leave and you do badly, that's Jehovah drawing his spirit and blessing away from you. If you do well, then Satan is taking care of those who are his own. (Although apparently this satanic "blessing" is short-lived - though many on here would disagree!)

    They have an answer for everything as anything, good or bad, can be made to fit on the jehovah/satan blessing/persecution continuem.


  • lawrence

    Creating the best Bible in the world.

  • leavingwt

    Inventing MEPS.

  • lawrence

    The quickest to shun of any group.

  • teel

    Sorry for digging out this old thread, but this is a pet peeve of mine. You can see this on the organizational level and the personal level too. I'm reading Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control from Kathleen Taylor now. I found this regarding cults which fits so well in my experience with JW:

    Group membership can provide two comforting sensations: that the member is not alone, and that he or she is not responsible. For highly cohesive groups, the group can become an entity in its own right with its own power of action, often personified by the leader, who takes on the role of supernatural protector and relieves the individual of the need to make his own decisions. This diffusion of resposibility through the group can be one of the most dangerous phenomena in strong groups, as it can lower the threshold for violent action by reducing the normal society constraints (e.g. fear of being blamed and punished) which would deter most individuals.

    You think they don't do things outside the normal society constraints? Think of the field service... or "witholding information" because of "theocratic warfare"

  • shopaholic

    If they come into money, Jehovah blessed them. If they cannot pay their bills, Satan is attacking them.

    So true...I gave a JW money to pay a utility bill and later that day she said that Jehovah blessed her with the money to take care of it. Then someone responded, "I thought Shop gave it to you."

  • Jadeen

    I remember a DC where they interviewed a brother who was working part time (cleaning) and he and his wife ended up with huge medical bills. Instead of getting a full time job with benefits, they decided to keep pioneering. "Jehovah will provide." Yep, the congregation coughed up the money for them. They wouldn't have gotten a dime from me. And shop is right, they didn't thank the congregation on stage, they thanked Jehovah.

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