I'm just wondering if everyone has been holding back until the shopping season for Christmas. It was like everyone one was pent up waiting to shop. (maybe paying off credit cards for months and worrying about the future)
I was at Marshalls today and the line was a 15 minute wait with 5 check out stations....carts were full.
At the mall the day before, I had to wait 20 minutes to get someone to show me watches at the jewlery counter, the parking lot was full, and I parked at the end of the lot.
Is America in general really in recession or just the big banks and car companies. Are consumers just getting smarter, and these big companies are griping that they are not earning their usual excessive profits.
I live near a major mall, plus great restaurants, and many small shops. Every where I went things were packed. So is this economic disaster for real or inflated?
Whats your take what do you see? How will you spend this season?