Anyone ever get panicky when they 1st started missing a lot of meetings?

by cognac 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    DH and I have been missing A LOT of meetings. This I might add is of his initiation, not mine. Anyways, yesturday we missed the Sunday meeting. For some reason I felt all panicky about it like I was doing something terribly wrong. I knew in my head I wasn't, but felt stressed about it anyways.

    Anyways, anybody else ever feel like that?

  • Honesty

    When I first started missing meetings it really didn't matter if I felt panicky or not because my then JW super theocratic spouse always panicked for me and said that I wasn't going to be in paradise with her so she would be alone unless a real brother married her.

    Twisted reasoning, huh?

    After 6 months of missing meetings I knew that I would never go back to the kingdom hall.

    It was too depressing to even think about returning to that bull shit.

  • snowbird

    Anyone ever get panicky when they 1st started missing a lot of meetings?



  • ex-nj-jw

    I thought you'd been missing meeting for awhile now. I guess I read your threads wrong


  • BurnTheShips

    I did. Very much so.


  • cognac
    I thought you'd been missing meeting for awhile now. I guess I read your threads wrong

    I have been, but more lately...

  • Finally-Free

    Even when I was a believing JW missing meetings didn't bother me. The meetings were too frequent, and nothing more than a rehash of the same stale spiritual tripe.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Very natural. My wife and I both felt nervous due to the possibility that we might be sought out by the Elders, friends, and family. Additionally, we felt that there was a vacuum in our lives as well. We were so used to such a high level of dedication (3 meetings a week plus field service) that skipping on all of that really felt like there was a void. Didn't take long to adjust though ;)

  • leavingwt

    Yes, that is how I felt.

    Whenever the phone would ring, your heart sinks, and you think it may be the Spiritual Police.

    Of course, once I mailed my DA letter, all of those feelings went away, along with the phone calls and emails.

  • R.F.

    Yeah, I was panicky at first too. When I started missing meetings week by week and month by month, though, the panickiness went away.

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