do you still want to live forever?

by sleepy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Imagine that chance was offered to you .Is it something you still desire?

    How far would you go to get it?
    I wonder how desriable it would be to live forever.What problems it would bring.Would we want to stay married to the same person, would we get to know everyone on earth?
    How would it effect our attitude toward life , would we get anything done knowing there was no rush?
    What are the practical problems you can think of?
    Could it in fact be a realistic possibility due to scientific advance , even in our life times?

  • Cygnus

    I think I would like to live to around 150. And I would have liked that to have started around the year 1851 AD.

  • NameWithheld

    Longer than 100 years maybe. Forever? I don't think so. It'd get old after awhile ...

  • Mulan

    If I didn't have to grow old and frail, and demented, I definitely would want to live forever. Who wants to die?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Sherri

    Absolutely. As long as I am physically and mentally well, I can't imagine a time when I would say, "Okay, now I'm ready to die."

    I suppose that if a person knew everything there was to know about everything that's ever been, then life would start to pall a bit. I just can't picture getting to the bottom of the knowledge barrel.

    I like your question, "would we get anything done knowing there was no rush?" As a procrastinator extraordinaire, this could be an issue for me. But, who cares? As long as I'm enjoying whatever it is that I'm doing, the dusting can wait until next week.

    I guess I'm taking it as a given that the major problems that plague this planet (war, food shortage, over-population, AIDS, etc., etc., etc.) will be dealt with in some way, i.e., eradicated. If things are to continue as they are, however, I think I'll be glad to turn in my locker key when it's my time. I'm shooting for a hundred years.

  • joelbear

    Depends on the conditions I would live in.

    To live forever with no challenges to overcome, no problems to solve, nothing to learn, nothing new to experience, no variety of thought wouldn't be very fun.

    I mean, I love Gilligan's Island reruns, but there is a limit.


  • ItsJustMe

    There was a baby in my family that died. This baby lived far away from me and I went and visited it before its death. I had to choose a day to leave while she was still alive. I felt like I had made a decision to not see her alive ever again. It's a hard feeling to explain.

    Would I want to pick a last day for anyone ever again? Every day with the people I value and love is precious to me. If I could have endless days with any of them I would do so without a second thought.


  • Naeblis

    You can't say because we ahve nothing to base our opinion against. If you've read the Anne Rice vampire books (yes it's a guilty pleasure) you can see the way the vampires lose the will to live after a time, unable to reconcile themselves to the changing world around them. Imagine that everything changes but you essentially are the same person. How would our minds cope with eternity? Not too well I think.

  • dmouse

    Maybe not forever, but a coupla trillion years might be nice.
    And going out when I choose. It's not having a choice that upsets me.

  • Billygoat
    If I didn't have to grow old and frail, and demented, I definitely would want to live forever.

    Well...the demented part is already so much a part of this board!


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