Interesting thread.
Personally speaking, I think being alive is quite cool. I see no point where I would change that opinion provided I had reasonable health. I wouldn't get bored, trust me on this. I love doing nothing, it's my favourate recreational activity, so when everything else got dull, I'd just enjoy doing nothing for a few decades until I felt like doing something.
So, yeah, if in the rest of my natural lifespan they develop technology that will extend that, I'd go for it.
Having said that, death is a natural process, just one that sucks a lot as it can remove you from those you love. I can't be afraid of it. there's no point. I just don't like it.
I'm 36 on Sunday. My Dad is very young for his age, passing as a 60, 65 year-old despite being in his late seventies. I seem to have his genes for this, as far as I can tell at this point, which is great as it means I've got more than I've hads left.
But both my Dad and my Mom are getting frailer, and I hate it. It's clear they won't always be here. I wonder sometimes whether this reflection, and my liking of the idea of living forever is an echo of my past as a Dub. After all, when I grew up, I didn't believe me or my family or my friends would ever die.
But, there is now nothing there that will make me think ickle baby Jesus will make us live again in the spirit, or that we'll be resurrected, or re-born, which is a pity really. I especially like the idea of reincarnation. It seems to make sense somehow.
So, I'd choose to live forever like a shot, and would especially prefer it if I could do so in the company of family and friends. Yup, that is an echo of being a Dub... anyone else think that?
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...