Tyrone, I usually agree with you, but this comment: "It shouldn't suprize anyone these days that the media says whatever the hell they're told to, or told not to. They are just puppets. The internet is about the only place you can get the unfettered details where nobodies getting paid. That's my take anyhow." is just nonsense!
I've been in journalism now for well over a decade, and I can assure you that most reporters and journalists live to be able to develop a good story that attacks a sacred cow of some sort.
The truth is more what several have already said on here: JWs are very small fry in the world of journalism. Very few people really care about the JW pedophile issue any more than they care about the pedophile issue among Christidelphians, Seventh Day Adventists, the Four Square Gospel Church or any other essentially fringe group.
All religions have pedophile issues similar to the JWs, so it's not really news. What makes it news is if the issue is massive, as it was with the Catholic Church, or if it involves some sensational elements as with organization-wide incest or polygamy in the apostate Mormon groups, or the moral downfall of a well known leader, as in the case of several evangelical preachers caught fornicating with prostitutes or their secretaries!
The WTS has pretty much dealt with its pedophile issues the same way most churches have - try to deal with it in-house, and settle out of court to keep it out of the news. I don't think the Witnesses necessarily have more problems with pedophiles than any other high control religious group.
Truthfully, the Witnesses are hardly a blimp on the radar, and the days when they were an up and coming religion to take notice of are long gone.
Why aren't JW's exposed in the news on 60 Minutes?
by BonaFide 11 Replies latest jw friends
Tyrone van leyen
Interesting Seeker. I'll take your word for it. That's why I said it's my take. I don't know anything bout journalism and you obviously have a more informed stance in that area. That's a scary thought. What the hell is it gonna take to get attention on the matter? I can't beleive Paris Hilton gets more atention. Strange world.
Now that I think about it, they didn't give a hoot about David Koresh, Marshall Applegate, or Jim Jones till it was too late and those guys were a damn circus.