"we are so close to the end cause morals are worse than ever"....NOT!

by oompa 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    In the late 60's there was an announcement almost every week. They didn't like doing 2 on one night.

    I guess some people don't know what morals were like in the late 1900's.

  • reniaa

    if you are only looking at the top 10 percent of wealthy countries things are better but in other poorer countries they are easily the equivalent of any other time with death rates and human suffering, africa blighted by aids is a horror of our times. its all relativeas to were you live.

  • undercover
    if you are only looking at the top 10 percent of wealthy countries things are better but in other poorer countries they are easily the equivalent of any other time with death rates and human suffering, africa blighted by aids is a horror of our times. its all relativeas to were you live.

    During the 1800s slavery was the horror of Africa. It's all relative to the time period in which you live.

  • metatron

    And how about civil rights? Do we still lynch black people at Southern picnics? Does apartheid still exist in South Africa? Can women become Senators and corporate heads?

    Did we just elect a black guy president?



  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Yes, but more and more people are having sex outside of marriage *gasp*, not to mention gay marriage. These are the only morals JWs are interested in. The fact that people's lives are actually better than those in bible times is irrelevant, because they've achieved it for the most part, independently from god.

  • WTWizard

    Morals were at their worst during the First Dark Ages. That was when everything anyone did was what someone else told them to do. Usually, it was what was bad for self and society. For sure, it prevented free knowledge from progressing to eliminate problems.

    They are getting bad now--with our leaders always telling everyone what they can and cannot do, the FDA, and unelected regulators running this country. But, it will be even worse with the Washtowel Slaveholdery running the country, and true morality is already much worse among the witlesses than in the world. It's just that they think their morals are better; when the measuring stick is bad, the measurements are going to be bad, too.

    It is very simple: Any volitional act that is good for self or society is moral; any volitional act that is bad for self or society is immoral. And by that measuring stick, the morals within the witless religion are much much worse than in the world at large.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Okay 110 years ago an Aussie athlete was arrested for wearing a swimming costume that showed her knee's.....today,2008 G-string bottoms while going topless.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Aids is not as bad as the plague was. I know that things are bad in some third world
    countries, but to compare it to the past is silly. There will always be poor, but there
    are many modern conveniences for some and some medical opportunities for the poor.

    While things are bad for some today, in the dark ages and in times after that, the vast
    majority of people were living in such deplorable conditions with raw sewage going
    down a drain in the middle of the walkway, food was rotten, water had a color to it.
    Armies could come along and take your son, never to be seen again. Authorities had
    no accountibility to anyone for abusing citizens.

    In the ancient past, the Bible even acknowledges that the chosen people killed entire
    villages of men who were protecting their Caananite families from Israelite invaders, then
    captured their women and girl children to continually rape them (assimilate them).
    There are still terrible things going on in Darfur and various places throughout Africa and
    Asia, but it was worldwide in the past.

    Forget violent entertainment and compare it to the past. Just compare the violence of
    everyday living to the past. Compare the lifespan of poor people today to that of the past.

    Now- morals. Up and down throughout history. Depends on so many things. Greed is
    a problem now, but has been throughout all the ages. Violence is part of morals. Lying
    has always been up. It isn't really an easy subject to discuss because religious people
    think that homosexuality is a morals problem, and many of us do not agree.

    I do know that apocalyptic groups have always been around and convince followers that
    the time they were living in (First Century, 10th Century, 20th Century) was/is the worst
    and that the scriptures apply to their time. Such nonsense.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Yes, but more and more people are having sex outside of marriage *gasp*, not to mention gay marriage. These are the only morals JWs are interested in. The fact that people's lives are actually better than those in bible times is irrelevant, because they've achieved it for the most part, independently from god.

    I had not read that comment before posting. YES YES YES.
    That's it exactly. JW's and other fundamentalists say that morals are worse now
    for these reasons- fornication, homosexuality, independence from God.

  • DoomVoyager
    It isn't really an easy subject to discuss because religious people
    think that homosexuality is a morals problem,

    Of course, one can point out that homosexuality was widely practiced and was, in fact, expected amongst ancient Greeks and Romans.

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