How far away from their original beliefs are JW's?

by besty 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • besty

    I was struck by a quote in a very recent Watchtower claiming that WTS publications are now part of the Bible. Quite a bold statement.

    How about these two quotes beside each other:

    We would not refuse to treat one as a brother because he did not believe the Society is the Lord's channel. If others see it in a different way, that is their privilege. There should be full liberty of conscience. WT April 1, 1920, p. 100, 101.

    The above just after the WTS was 'chosen' by Jesus in 1919. But now fast forward to the latest WT viewpoint:

    Our coming to know "the truth" - the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible - and adhering to it are essential for our salvation. - Watchtower December 15 2008, pg 28. (emphasis added)

    Note that the unique doctrines of Jehovahs Witnesses as expounded in the Watchtower magazine published from Brooklyn have now been elevated to inclusion within the Holy Bible. "Adhere to what we publish or die" is the simple message. Full and complete uniformity of belief as dispensed by the Watchtower Society, including detailed advice on trivial matters, is a central tenet of being a Jehovah’s Witness.

  • undercover

    edit: i posted between your original blank post and your corrected post...

    so my thought doesn't really fit the theme of your thread...


  • OnTheWayOut

    While their doctrinal beliefs are vastly different, it doesn't really matter.
    Some of the core beliefs are exactly the same.

    God/Jesus/Flying Spagetti Monster chose this small group to dispense
    actual spiritual truth to the world.

    The end is imminent- that's always been a staple of theirs.

    Works will overcome faith.

    Just do as you are told.

    None of that has really changed, just the details. The details are important to
    us, but not to the average member.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    "has become part of the Bible?"

    Bold statement indeed...! And to think that their "christian beliefs" are subject to revision at any time when New Light flashes out of Jehovah's butt....

  • MissingLink

    Wow Paul. That's nuts. Not that I don't trust you - but I'm curious to read that 2nd quote in more context.

  • Dogpatch

    Paul sez,

    Our coming to know "the truth" - the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible

    I think it is double-entendre that they love to smirk at when they create. It paves the way for them to actually TEACH what you are saying in the not-to-distant future, which will have to be their next step in the succession of their secret organizational books, Guidebook for Old Cranky Men on How to Keep Your Control When ther BS Fades, 1976, vol. 3, ch. 5 pgs. 212-217

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I was just talking to a young cat (20) who just got out. He didn't even know who russel was. I was talking to an old friend of mine who is still in. I asked him how come he still goes and knows there is nothing special about them? He just replied how he goes for his own reasons?!?

    I think this is the case with at least half of the witnesses now. The old timers may remember the original creed but they dont talk about it much and keep what they know to themselves.

  • besty

    The scan of the relevant part of December 15 2008 Watchtower was posted here

    Makes you wonder where they are going with this. They have also recently told their followers to expect unusual instructions that may appear to put them in danger - all classic cult stuff, hopefully it will not prove fatal for the R&F.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    This stance of theirs is quite amusing when considering the fact that they have long deonounced the Roman Catholic Church for doing the very same thing. Church creed has been arrived at by the voting of a College of Cardinals - a tool used by Satan the Devil; according to the Watchtower.

    Yet, the "truth" that Jehovah's Witnesses speak of is a massive collection of doctrinal revisions over a period of a century that have been arrived at by a small number of men in Brooklyn voting on them as well. Sometimes, much of this "truth" was the immaginative creations of one man; Fred Franz.

    So therefore, how can they give uninspired publications the same level of importance as the inspired Scriptures? And how can they denounce the Catholic Church for having an established consensus of doctrines voted on by a centralized governing council?

    I have said many times that the Watchtower organization is a re-creation of first century Judaism. And, the Governing Body is a sort of a reincarnated Pharisee class. Their Talmud and organizational rulings take precedence over what they claim to be the inspired word, as well as basic common sense.

  • Dogpatch

    There is nothing technically wrong or alarming about what they said. iT IS WEASEL WORDS FOR "wE BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE IS MADE UP OF 66 BOOKS THAT NOW COMPRISE THE bIBLE. It is what they can weasel it into in 5 years that counts:

    Our coming to know "the truth" - the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible - and adhering to it are essential for our salvation

    in 2013 it becomes:

    Our coming to know "the truth" - the entire body of Christian teachings that DEFINE THE CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION - and adhering to it are essential for our salvation


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