Tyrone.....its not about being stupid.....its about being smart....never put up with abuse...leave it behind you. Its smart for your soul and your blood pressure!
I guess my dogs care about me, because I feed them.
My wife probably cares about me because I pay the taxes and insurance.
My employer probably cares about me. At least I am pretty sure they would call if I dont go into work.
Oh no not so....Your dogs adore you....they wait for you, they wait for your attention....they love you no matter what....if you couldn't feed them they would still sit by your side....
Your wife loves you because of who you are....not because you pay taxes or insurance......(from a wife of 29 years)
Yeah, your employer cares about you because you show up to work....I won't disagree with that...but thats an employer~
You do have worth.....a lot of it J.
Take care. r.