Let me start a silly rumor - actually we could have a thread on it for all the crazy wackpot conspiracy theories
General Mobilization in the US
by Klaus Vollmer 18 Replies latest jw friends
Locutus of Borg
Hey! Has anyone heard of that secret underground Alien base in Dulce, NM? You know the one where they grow humans in big vats for their food?
It's true because I saw it on the internet.
wha happened?
If we're going to have a conspiracy thread, we need a commentary by WAC
Yes I can confirm it. I clicked on it and its a real link to a real website.
My son was in the Navy, He hasnt told me anything about being reactivated.
But he did tell me when he was in 16 years ago, that once you join the military they can press you back into service for the rest of your life if there is an emergency.
But if there is a national emergency they would probably make everybody bear arms.
Thats the way it has been throughout history.
I work in a jail with a lot of former miltary veterans. No one has said anything about being called back to service.
In fact if they were to reactivate former military personal it would cause a great staffing shortage where I work.
Which hasn't happened as of this time.
I work in a jail with a lot of former military veterans. No one has said anything about being called back to service.
In fact if they were to reactivate former military personal it would cause a great staffing shortage where I work.
By the same token, I grew up close enough to a military base to hear the bugle: you can always tell when things are happening. Wives and local businessmen know more than enough to figure these things out. That gets spread around the "grapevine" rapidly.
I keep in touch with military/ex-military people. As I mentioned above, select specialists come and go: nothing unusual. That kind of stuff would have made the papers.
This same turkey put out a "US dollar" will be replaced rumor recently: did you miss that one?
Elvis shot JFK
Well, it DID sucker-in Funky Derek.