I don't come on as much so i'm not avoiding any particular threads accept maybe ones obviously fishing for negative experiences, bait threads. but back to your points, Stann
firstly I agree with whitedove there is no excuse for snooping into people's personal stuff, if you found your mum had being going through your private draws etc in your bedroom invading the privacy of your own home how would you feel?
I once saw someone on here mention they took opportunities to go though people computer histories and see what they looked up etc how bazaar/sad is that?
Well you did it and didn't like what you found (which is often the case), every witness knows it's to easy to find silly ways to count your time and your mum has one in her mum, I wouldn't have counted it as a witness I never did with family (This is an individual case that has to be taken as such), if you had found out openly you could have mentioned something to her but your hands are tied and if you blurt out the knowledge your mum will know of your own wrongful acts. There are other ways of getting the magazines you want not least of which is asking and or buying them off ebay.
The irony is however bad your mums actions in counting inappropiate time your own actions show you to also have little conscience in attaining your desired items so in this you and your mum show a distinct family resemblance, maybe the moral here is not to throw stones unless you are without sin.