Independent, I know how you feel. It weirds you out to wonder how much do they love you versus how much are they using you for the WTS's ends. At family picnics, my mom or my siblings would single out my husband and talk to him, with just a few scriptures tucked in. A couple years ago, we arrived at a picnic and I asked my brother, "So, which one of you is taking his turn counting his time talking to my husband?" They've never spoken to him, not even to say hello, since. And he was never a Dub.
My mother tried to witness to my husband once when we were visiting at her house. She told him some WT silliness, as if it were a fact. He very politely explained to her that he knows Greek (from college, not self-taught) and pulled out her Bible and and an Interlinear that he has and began showing her the various Greek words and what their meanings are and that she was trying to translate Greek words with a 21st century knowledge of English, not considering that the words were written in Greek in the first century and had an entirely different colloquial meaning. He began talking to her about the culture in Rome and Jerusalem in the first century. She never tried to witness to him again, either.