For those still in: OK, this idea came to me the other day, technically it is totally by the book.
1) Ask the map servant for a territory map near your home.
2) Go out at midnight down the said street; and everyone will be in bed-or at least have some curtains closed.
3) Write the numbers down as NH (or remember the sequence and write them down later).
4) Get back home and place your magazines/tracts with Mr Shredder.
5) Give the NH slip back in, and you have done "your time" but not actually spoken to anyone.
The idea came to me because this is basically what happens when you go out on Saturday morning, everyone's in bed! Been out for the last 7/8 weeks on a Saturday morning and spoken to no more than 2 or 3 people each morning. So calling at a time when 100% of people are in bed is not much worse than going when 99% of people are in bed in my opinion.
New technique to increase your ministry hours without doing any ministry.
by DisconnectingDrone 14 Replies latest jw friends
Or, you could do what I did.
I told hubby that every person we DON'T speak to is time put in. Since those that do get preached to will more then like not listen so therefore will not make it through the Big A. Since the society says that those who didn't get the warning may make it into the new system, we are saving a lot more lives by not preaching.
We haven't been out for months, maybe even a year lol. We both hand in time.
Disconnecting Drone....
Something about slowly rolling down a residential street late at night sounds a little dangerous.
Well you could 'cheat' and pull up addresses by street on mapquest.......
Surely far easier is to go to Starbucks ,order a Latte sit down , drink it very slowly , then leave a dirty old, beaten up W/T on the table , and 2 hours easy!
If you dont believe and your just staying in because of family, you dont have to go through that.
Just falsify the slip totally.
Thats if you dont believe.
If you believe you have to knock on the doors.
If you believe, count your blessings because you have something to believe in.
I believe I will go and have another beer at this time.
i just lie my ass off.......bonnzo, of the i can pioneer anytime i put down pioneer hours on my time slip class.
Well time can be counted as any time that you talk to someoen about the "truth" right. So if I were stillhanding in time I would count the hours spent on JWD. Hey they didn't say I had to speak positvely about the "truth"