New technique to increase your ministry hours without doing any ministry.

by DisconnectingDrone 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    We stopped yesterday at Tim Horton's.

    My (never-been-a-JW) husband asks, why do JW's pick Tim Horton's?

    My head spinned around and there was three car groups walking in. Damn, I've taught him well.

    I also spotted the sister that gave me the tract a couple weeks ago walking into the library the same time I did. She saw me too and walked quickly away. But I saw the mags in her hand, and I had to know what she was going to do with them. So my granddaughter and I followed her around the library..(ok, we stalked her) some point we lost her and when we saw her again, the mags were gone. I had bet my granddaughter that she was going to drop them off and count them as placements. My g-daughter, said "I doubt it" I said, "I bet". She said, "$4.00?" I said, "It's a bet." Since we couldn't find where she 'placed' them, I had to pay up on the bet.

    That's all I got for this week.


  • WTWizard

    All you have to do is lie on your time slip. If you put down the number of hours and placements you are expected to get, they will not cross-check. They are too lazy to do that, to make sure fake hours are not counted. Bonus: If you "place" huge amounts of magazines and get zero donations, you will waste the money from the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Of course, having a good shredder will cut back on the piles of rags that will otherwise give away the lie.

  • SPAZnik

    lol cognac "we are saving a lot more lives by not preaching" .... hahaha ... i love it. Now THAT's a willingness to sacrifice yourself for others. hahahahaha

  • treadnh2o

    I lied (exaggerated) on my slip for 10+ years.

    Have not bothered to turn in my time or go out for over a year. I refuse to waste my time.

    What is interesting is how much the actual national average would be if all JW's were honest with their time. Not starting until they speak to the first person in field service, not counting coffee breaks etc.

    They probably would then allow both parents to count 4 hours a month with each kid they have.

    They would never show a decrease over an extended period of time.

  • DoomVoyager

    I love cognac's technique.

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