So, I missed classes today. Why you ask? Well, I’m diabetic. I figure that more than a few of you share this problem. Anyway, I must have od’d on insulin last night.
I woke up this morning having weird dreams about a half hour before class. I immediately knew I had to be careful getting out of bed, because I had lost nearly all motor control of my muscles. I was jerky and having a difficult time thinking. Any attempt to use my left leg would result in an involuntary retraction all the way up and down. Once I got up on the edge of my bed, I knew what was wrong. I knew I had to be very careful getting to the kitchen, because I would easily fall. I had to hold onto the walls and doorways on my way into the kitchen. While my fingers were twitching, I thankfully still had fairly decent control of my arms. I tested my blood, a miracle that I was able to considering, and set a new record low for a blood test. My blood sugar level was 20, or roughly 1/5 of normal.
Wouldn’t you know it, I got diarrhea. So stumbling to the bathroom, I take care of business and get my hands washed. At this point I’m stomping the floor hard and loud as I’m walking, because I can’t control my legs. I feel sorry for the poor people down stairs. I knock things over, but somehow manage to keep from kicking with my bare toes into something and cutting them, a fear I had at this time. I make my way the fridge and pull out some scalloped potatoes I had made the night before. I get them heated, and make it to a chair without falling. By this time, I’m sick at my stomach and am having a difficult time eating, feeling like I need to hurl, but knowing that I have to get something down to get my blood sugar up, or risk going into a coma. Finally I get some down, and only dropped the plate one time. I don’t know if it was the food or if my liver finally kicked some glucose into my system, but I started to lose the shakes, although it was a half hour before I got control of my legs.
This is and was scary. I don’t know how many of you have had low blood sugar, but it can be extremely dangerous. If you have blood sugar problems, keep on top of it. I could have easily died this morning, and no one would have found me for some time.