blood sugar

by John Doe 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    So, I missed classes today. Why you ask? Well, I’m diabetic. I figure that more than a few of you share this problem. Anyway, I must have od’d on insulin last night.

    I woke up this morning having weird dreams about a half hour before class. I immediately knew I had to be careful getting out of bed, because I had lost nearly all motor control of my muscles. I was jerky and having a difficult time thinking. Any attempt to use my left leg would result in an involuntary retraction all the way up and down. Once I got up on the edge of my bed, I knew what was wrong. I knew I had to be very careful getting to the kitchen, because I would easily fall. I had to hold onto the walls and doorways on my way into the kitchen. While my fingers were twitching, I thankfully still had fairly decent control of my arms. I tested my blood, a miracle that I was able to considering, and set a new record low for a blood test. My blood sugar level was 20, or roughly 1/5 of normal.

    Wouldn’t you know it, I got diarrhea. So stumbling to the bathroom, I take care of business and get my hands washed. At this point I’m stomping the floor hard and loud as I’m walking, because I can’t control my legs. I feel sorry for the poor people down stairs. I knock things over, but somehow manage to keep from kicking with my bare toes into something and cutting them, a fear I had at this time. I make my way the fridge and pull out some scalloped potatoes I had made the night before. I get them heated, and make it to a chair without falling. By this time, I’m sick at my stomach and am having a difficult time eating, feeling like I need to hurl, but knowing that I have to get something down to get my blood sugar up, or risk going into a coma. Finally I get some down, and only dropped the plate one time. I don’t know if it was the food or if my liver finally kicked some glucose into my system, but I started to lose the shakes, although it was a half hour before I got control of my legs.

    This is and was scary. I don’t know how many of you have had low blood sugar, but it can be extremely dangerous. If you have blood sugar problems, keep on top of it. I could have easily died this morning, and no one would have found me for some time.

  • dinah

    JD, that's terrible and very scary!!! Are you feeling better now?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I don't feel good, but my sugar is much better now.

  • asilentone

    John Doe, sorry that you have to experience that, I have hypoglycemia, I have managed to avoid sweets for more than few years. Do you take glucose tablets? You can get them at your local drugstore, no prescription is required. I do take them from time to time.

  • snowbird

    John Doe, that is scary.

    I've had a problem with hypoglycemia - low blood sugar - which I can control by eating the right stuff.

    You better take bettercare of yourself. Don't make me remove my earrings.


  • purplesofa

    I have hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. I feel for you. It takes me some time to get it back to where it needs to be once it gets that low. I mean I can get it up, but I still feel crappy, have trouble thinking and motor skills like for the rest of the day.

    Although, I know you needed to eat, Potatoes are not that great for low blood sugar, you probably know that.

    Try to keep some OJ, peanut butter crackers, nuts, etc on hand to keep your sugar up.

    Eat every two hours, you still probably know all this,

    It's a real pain to deal with,

    Sometimes mine would drop so fast, I would shake and get slurred speech, disoriented, when I was doing furniture sales, I would have to excuse myself from a customer and go eat immediately. The rest of my day is usually shot when I let it get low.


  • snowbird

    Sometimes mine would drop so fast, I would shake and get slurred speech, disoriented, when I was doing furniture sales, I would have to excuse myself from a customer and go eat immediately. The rest of my day is usually shot when I let it get low.


    Mine dipped once when I was giving a talk on the TMS.

    I thought I was going to faint right on the stage.


  • purplesofa

    Mine dipped once when I was giving a talk on the TMS.

    I thought I was going to faint right on the stage.

    It's very scarey, I was misdiagnosed for a long time before they found out I had low blood sugar. I was treated for depression, as depression can be a symptom.

    I actually diagnosed myself, researching online. I went to my doctor and said I think I have low blood sugar. when I did the glucose tolerance test and it dropped down below 30, she hurls me in the office, feeds me peanut butter crackers and OJ, and asks me how did I know.????

    the internet!!!!

    Also, JD, you have to exercise a bit.

    I started drinking protein shakes and walking helps alot too.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Also, JD, you have to exercise a bit.

    I started drinking protein shakes and walking helps alot too.

    Yup, exercise helps. I've been walking a 5 and 1/2 mile track around lake Fayetteville 1 to 2 times a week for the last few months. The thing is, insulin reacts more strongly sometimes, and it's hard to get the right amount all the time. I think I took two shots last night, forgetting I took the first one. When you od on insulin, nothing is going to keep your sugar from falling, other than eating lots of stuff.

    If you od enough, it can kill you and you'll never wake from your sleep. My alarm was set to go off this morning, and I never turned it off that I remember. I never heard it go off. I can only figure I shut it off in my sleep. I was quite possibly in a coma last night. I remember gasping for air and trying to kick, and I remember not knowing if I was asleep or awake.

    The spasms are a wierd feeling. I could feel the muscles clenched in my legs, and they were as if I'd been exercising. I still had all the power in my legs and arms, but I had little to no control over them. That's a very disconcerting feeling. I don't know how low my sugar was but it was 20 when I checked. I've checked it at 30 before and not had any discernible symptoms. Below 30 and I'm in the danger zone.

  • purplesofa
    I remember gasping for air and trying to kick, and I remember not knowing if I was asleep or awake.

    I have done that before and never related it to low blood sugar, thanks for sharing.


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