blood sugar

by John Doe 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I looked after a severe diabetic patient when I was a nursing student. JD, you should not have gone walking all around the house like that looking for snacks. It was very dangerous. Also, food snacks that contain fat or protein are not good for treating severe hypglycemia for the same reason they are good for diabetes in general. They slow the absorption of glucose into the blood stream. You should keep pure glucose tablets in your bed side table along with a glucose monitor. If you have those symptoms on awaking again, immediately take your blood sugar, without getting out of bed! Then take the glucose tablets and stay in bed until your sugar levels improve. While you are waiting you can call a friend and let them know to check on you later. You should also keep a tube of glucagon gel by the bedside. Friends or family can administer under the tongue even if you are unconscious.

    This is serious stuff young man! Now go to your room!

    nurse cog

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    If this keeps happening, set your alarm for an earlier time and test your blood sugar earlier in the morning. Better tired than dead!

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    I have type 2 diabetes and have crashed a couple of times. It is a terrible feeling. Are you insulin dependent? I know a few people who are and they use an insulin pump instead of taking shots. I know little about how the pumps actually work but the people I know who use them say the pumps are fanstastic as the pumps keep their levels nice and steady.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Thanks for the concern cog, but like I've said, I've had this for 25 years, and have been successful with treating it. I don't have a phone now, and what I ate I ate because it was what I had. Well, that and ramen noodles, and you know it would not be good for me to mess with boiling water in that condition.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    John, has you physician suggested an insulin pump? Just delivers the amount of insulin that you need. I know several people who have resisted it and now are so happy with it. I agree with noni about keeping some instant glucose at your bedside. Then get a snack with a glucose/protein mix. I am sure you already know all this. I hope you feel better.

  • StAnn

    John, I agree, you're a big old pain in the butt but I'd hate to lose you.

    Have you considered that perhaps eating scalloped potatoes and ramen noodles isn't a good idea for a diabetic?

    I know that it's hard to eat diabetic friendly foods on a budget, as the healthy food diets seem to all consist of very expensive ingredients. But I've been working out a menu for myself (type 2 diabetes) and tweaking it for some time to eat healthfully as a diabetic on a budget. PM me if you want some recipes or tips.

    I'm so glad you feel better and understand your nervousness at going to sleep tonight. Since you don't have a phone, are you friends with the people downstairs? Could you possibly work out a system of knocking on the floor or on the radiator a specified number of times, for instance, to let them know you're in trouble? I worry about you being alone with no phone with this illness.


  • room23043

    Get the sugar pill at the RX and have it at your bed side...Get some and have it in the car...Also always care it with you.

    Now I got to carry the Heart pill and these sugar tablets...Test often and takes your med's...Infor your doctor of these problems and watch your body signs...Keep the weight down which is not an easy task...Their are many insultins...I am on Lantus and only need one shot a day...

    Many millions of us are dealing with this problem each an are coping...

    Growing older is only for the brave...Room23043...

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    YES the Glucose tabs would have brought you out of it very quickly. But as Purps said, if it gets too low, your whole day is shot, and perhaps a few more. Of course you know this.

    The orange ones are wonderful. They are like a sweetart, but dissolve alot faster. Remember to let it dissolve in your mouth, if you can, not chew and swallow. Your mouth may be too dry, but the tartness will stimulate your saliva.

    For instance, today, I missed lunch, and was going full speed at work. I felt my blood sugar take a quick steep dip. I reached in my drawer, popped 2 tabs, and felt better within a couple of minutes. Think about how fast Nitro glycerin works for a heart patient, or how fast tobacco works for a dipper. It is amazing how fast the sugar gets into your bloodstream from the mucosa in your mouth.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    The tablets come in small vials of 10, the size of a pill bottle, for 97cents. The big bottle is about $3.50, and I refill my small vials. As Room23043 said, keep one by your bed, and one in your car.

    I know some men who wrap a couple of tabs in foil, and keep them in their pockets like change. (Since you don't carry a purse.) (Or do you?)

  • beksbks

    Damnit Doe!!! You're not taking good care of my favorite target, I can tell. Give me your address, and I'll send you some good food. Ramen noodles shouldn't even be on your shelves you crazy man!!!!

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