When they say its run by imperfect men

by purplesofa 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    It is very important to remember that the Watchtower organization does not strictly follow the Bible; but merely it's interpretation of the Bible. The first century Jewish leaders repeatedly congratulated themselves on the fact that they strictly followed the "law". They pointed to their elaborate Talmud with it's codes and rules as outward proof. Yet, they clearly missed the forrest for the trees.

    The Watchtower does the same thing today with it's labrynthine rules, policies, and procedures which place the organization in a co-Mediatorship with Jesus. For all intents and purposes, the Governing Body has become a de facto Priesthood. All of this seems impressive to the average JW, but this modern arrangement clearly reverts back to the Old Covenant which has been done away with.

    An entire book could also be written about the Watchtower's very unique and immaginative interpretations of Daniel and Revelation; and how these interpretations play into their claim of being selected by Christ to be a channel of communication to mankind.

    The next time a JW talks about the proud and haughty first century religious leaders, tell them that maybe they were just imperfect men who were strictly adhering to God's word. Tell them that those who felt burdened by the religious leaders were probably just displaying an "independent spirit" and a "fault-finding attitude". Sit back and enjoy their facial contortions as well as the rhetorical tap-dance they perform.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    He thinks the org is ok as it goes by the bible.

    Since they doin't believe the bible, that doesn't leave much.

  • jaguarbass

    I have a JW friend that I ran into about a month ago from my KH. He is not going to the meetings.

    I get to talk to him occasionally.

    He thinks the org is ok as it goes by the bible.

    What do you think is the best way to approach this?

    The bible says a lot of things about everything.

    It can be used to promote genocide.

    It has deffinitely been the reason for wars througout history.

    Any more when someone says they are religious or read the bible,

    I say Jesus protect me from your followers.

    But, I can see where God, the bible and religion can have benefits on a personal level.

    If you dont think about God a lot, or pray often, If you dont read and study the bible and you get into a jam and someone tells you God and the bible is the answer.

    Well, as you get out of your jam God and the bible will be waiting in the wings to take the credit.

    The witnesses like to blame all of the worlds problems on the point that the world doesnt follow the bible.

    But no one follows the bible. It's not possible.

    People pick and choose and try to have favorite themes to incorporate in their lifes.

    Maybe, tithing, church on Sunday, not aborting unborn tissue.

    But everyone falls short of living by the bible.

    Because the bible is all over the place.

    Maybe theres a few lunatics in the asylym that come close to following the bible.

  • purplesofa

    Thank you everyone for your comments.

    I think he will be by the house tomorrow and maybe I can work on him some more.


  • JimmyPage

    Ok, leaving wt, I guess I will read Steve's second book next after I finish Ray's second book. So far I am loving all of them.

  • WTWizard

    That's just an excuse to continue their course of error on purpose, and scam people all the more. Of course, they do not allow anyone to bypass them--if they are imperfect, for sure someone else is going to do better. Yet, they don't want to hear it.

    If they are going to use the imperfect men excuse, then they need to be more open to the possibility that their doctrines are wrong, and willing to fix them as soon as it comes to light. That is, unless all they really want is to see people burn forever in Hellfire or live their whole lives in stagnation, or both. (Whichever is the real truth, as they see it.)

  • Scully

    Well, you could always ask why, if it's ok for the WTS to be run by imperfect (but Annointedâ„¢) males, why are there no imperfect (but Annointedâ„¢) females helping to run it, because according to the Bible, they are all equal before God and Jesus.

    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one [person] in union with Christ Jesus. ~ Galatians 3:28

  • coffee_black

    If they admit that the org. is run by imperfect men...then why do they not give other religions the same slack?


  • leavingwt
    Ok, leaving wt, I guess I will read Steve's second book next after I finish Ray's second book. So far I am loving all of them.

    I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying those recommendations.

    Here are a few more that I highly recommend...

    Thus Saith Jehovah's Witnesses by Randall Watters (This excellent book features scans of WT publications, allowing you to connect the dots of their lies and deceptions through the years.)

    Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron (This one is singularly focuses on their outrageous claim to have been chosen by Jesus in 1918/1919.)

    The Myth of Certainty by Daniel Taylor (Ray quotes from this one in one of his books. Short, interesting book about not turning off your brain and blindly following/believing things.)

    Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness: Escape from the Watchtower Society (My wife and I both enjoyed reading Diane Wilson's story.)

    Blood on the Altar by David Reed (Another personal story of one elder's exit from the cult.)


  • OnTheWayOut

    You get right to the $64,000 questions, Purps. Don't you?

    How about what V's latest video tends to suggest.

    "Does God channel the Governing Body?"
    (Are they God's channel of communication with Man?)

    "Would God mislead his channel for over 80 years and return to
    previous understandings?"

    "Why, then, the return to a previous understanding on
    'this generation' ?

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