Feeling Guilty for "Bad" Thoughts

by snowbird 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snowbird

    I remember a Circuit Assembly where two young ladies who had recently graduated from HS were interviewed.

    They went on and on about how they didn't participate in certain aspects of the graduation traditions because they'd done research and found some to originate with paganism.

    They claimed that even marching into the auditorium and doing a sharp turn arose from some occultic practice. I sat there and thought, "I'll bet those school officials were glad to see the last of you two heifers!"

    I was immediately smitten with guilt that I could think such a thing.

    Now, I laugh and shake my head at the idiocy of it all.


  • Seeker4

    Oh, the precious, self-righteous idiocy that came with being a JW - and some seem to have it in spades!

    All my kids marched in with their graduating class and were happy to do it.


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    This may be the biggest obstacle that prevents the average JW from addressing their congnitive dissonance. Witnesses are systematically indoctrinated to believe that any unflattering observations they may have about the organization, it's doctrines, or policies originate from a "fault-finding" attitude.

    They are indoctrinated to believe that the "seeds of doubt", the "fault-finding attitude", and the "independent spirit" are in a sense, viruses that have been unleashed into the "system's air" by Satan. If one catches these traits developing within themselves, they believe that they must eradicate this "virus" by diving deeper into Watchtower publications and praying for their "bad thoughts" to cease.

    Many JWs must also take extra measures to suppress their dissonance with coping mechanisms such as alcohol, over-eating, anti-depressants, and watching a lot of television. Anything to make the thougts go away.

    You will find that this kind of overt manipulation used by the Watchtower is also used by toxic parents who repeatedly induce guilt in their children to control them. Children of toxic parents are conditioned to ignore their own deepest needs and desires, and are taught that their own feelings don't matter. They are taught to give their power away.

    This systematic process of guilt-inducement by the Watchtower is incredibly toxic and stunts people's intellectual and emotional growth. I have often argued that the Watchtower organization is one of the most toxic parents of them all.

    "Don't question the mother organization, just do as she says." - Watchtower chapter 1, verse 1

  • snowbird
    You will find that this kind of overt manipulation used by the Watchtower is also used by toxic parents who repeatedly induce guilt in their children to control them. Children of toxic parents are conditioned to ignore their own deepest needs and desires, and are taught that their own feelings don't matter. They are taught to give their power away

    As a child of a toxic parent (mother), you are right, right, right.

    My mother was a master manipulator who played her children off against each other.

    There is so much sadness and dysfuncion in our family because of this.


  • lisavegas420
    My mother was a master manipulator who played her children off against each other.

    My mom was the same way.

    I feel blessed that my children love each other and are great friends.

    My grandchildren are the same way with each other. They argue, but they will defend each other to anyone else to the end.


  • snowbird
    I feel blessed that my children love each other and are great friends.

    My daughters are almost 16 years apart, the youngest is a staunch JW, so they're quite distant in more ways than one.


  • beksbks

    I feel queasy.

  • watson

    Hitting the bottle already, eh?

  • beksbks

    Hardy Har Watson. Just some of the subject matter.

  • WTWizard

    They used to claim that every deed was preceded by thought (a lie, when you look at all the impetuous things that are done). The truth is that thoughts are strictly amoral--neither good nor bad. It's only when action has been taken that thoughts can have moral value, positive or negative.

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